Red Sea reefmat


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Atlanta ga
was thinking about buying a reef mat 500. For the people that have/have had them. Any pros or cons? Don’t really see them being sold used. Is that a good thing that people keep them? Any Info would help.
I love my reef mat. No problems in over a year. Just be aware you will burn through the first roll or two pretty quick unless your tank is fairly clean to start
Wouldn't own a tank without a roller, even my little 40 I have running has the Red Sea nano roller. best money you will spend.
It will and it won’t make the skimmer work as hard. Really cleans up the water.
what she said yes GIF by
I’ve had the 1200 for about 18 months now. Works great and easy to change out rolls. Only complaint is the motor is weak. Had to replace the motor a few months ago but it’s only like $25. Motor can’t handle the weight of the roll as it gets nearer the end. Roll lasts me about 45 days so cuts down a lot on overall maintenance.
I had the 1200 on my display, but I’m also still using filter socks so it didn’t go through much of the roll so I took it offline. I’ll probably list it for sale if I can’t put it to use
I had the 1200 on my display, but I’m also still using filter socks so it didn’t go through much of the roll so I took it offline. I’ll probably list it for sale if I can’t put it to use
In other words, since the filter on my AIO is a dual-chamber design, if I wanted to run one, I'd really kinda need to run two...

In other words, since the filter on my AIO is a dual-chamber design, if I wanted to run one, I'd really kinda need to run two...

No, one would be fine. My display is 580g. My sump has 4x 7” filter socks built in, and the reef mat was in the next chamber after those
Get one, you will not regret it.

I have a 500 on each of my QT tanks and they rock. My only complaint is having to setup an app to use it. The only issue Ive had were a float switch needing to be replaced.

Also you can contact this guy for cheaper filter rolls.
How much are these rolls, any better? I burn through a roll every 20 days or so. If I can save a little that would be awsome.