Red Terror..??


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I bought this fish as a festae cichlid and she is already 5 inches and showing no color.. Maybe she is something else? Here are some pictures, what do you guys think? I am also adding some pictures of a lilac and peach cichlid I bought as a no namer, maybe someone knows what she is?

This is the "festae cichlid"

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Here is the festae and the lilac and peach cichlid.

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Now the lilac and Peach baby

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Sorry for the bad pictures. They are fast!:doh:
Pretty fish. I'm unsure , there are so many cichlids , also some hybridize in the hobby.
I was in a pet shop last week and saw them selling hybrid convict/fire mouth they looked all different strange proportions , I was shocked to see them in a store for sale to say the least .

I'm not telling ya yours are hybrid just that it happens.
How large are the lilac/peach fish , they may be a dwarf
The festae (fire mouth) looks like its just adolescent is all , some cichlids won't color up fully or even start for a wile , and if there is a larger and or more dominant cichlids in the tank it may not color up until something changes in the tank , also it could be female , id say give it time. Do a Google image search for adolescent festae cichlids.

BTW : you have some great plants , I would love to see pics of your planted tanks some time.
Thank you, they are my pride and joy.. I was told the lilac fish was some kind of marble peel fish but I cant find anything on her, she is about 2 or 3 inches

Edit: I do have 3 larger fish in the tank so maybe thats why shes not coloring up, I guess I might have to get rid of some or get another tank :/
Tiffany89;887716 wrote:

Edit: I do have 3 larger fish in the tank so maybe thats why shes not coloring up, I guess I might have to get rid of some or get another tank :/

Possibly , so long as she's not getting picked on I'd just let them grow.