Reef Central Down Indefinitely


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This seems to be true... Wow! Good thing we have the ARC forums. :)

Greg(former admin of RC) predicted this would happen a couple years back. Basically it was just patched and hacked to pieces and it was only a matter of time. It truly sucks since there was a wealth knowledge there that no other forum can hold a candle to. All the other forums combined probably don't even come close.
Reading the information, looks like the backups were on the same server. I run a forum for bbq/grilling as well as being a member of this forum and this makes me really nervous. We've got some wacko's in the wings looking for trouble on our site.
site is
a> (not a plug just for information purposes)
Akopley;369439 wrote: I bet this will drive a lot of reefers our way.

Because the ARC forums is a such a major player when it comes to reef keeping message boards?
Akopley;369444 wrote: no, because it is a large source of information. many google searches bring up ARC threads.

Personalized search is showing different search results to different people. Personalized search uses each searcher's past behavior to try to understand intent and what is relevant to that searcher.
If I search for [java] and you search for [java], and we see different results because of what we did in the past, that is personalized search. The search results are individualized, different for each of us.
It is true that a search for [java] is ambiguous. What do you want when you search for [java]? Are you a programmer looking for the Java documentation from Sun? Are you looking for a summary of the Java programming language from Wikipedia? Are you someone who wants the Java download so you can run a Java applet? Or maybe you are planning a trip to Indonesia?
Your past behavior may help the search engine figure out what you want. If you previously searched about Indonesia, that tells it one thing. If you searched for [java sdk] two days ago, that indicates something else.
Personalized search shows different results to different people based on their past behavior. Personalized search tries to disambiguate intent by using information not only about what you are doing now, but also what you did in the past.
beauzeau;369463 wrote: Wow, that's a lot of wisdom down the tubes. I can't believe no-one was occasionally backing up to dvd or something. That sucks.

Or even a cd::doh:

Hello RC Members.

Sorry for the interruption.

To the folks spreading rumors and making up quotes, it's pretty sad when you have to resort to lying to try and get members.

The truth is that during an upgrade to mySQL we encountered an error that needed to be corrected. Unlike most sites, our database is very large and routine checks can take quite a long time to run. That's one of the reasons why we're one of the few sites that runs a full nightly backup. We'll be back today with virtually zero data loss. Sorry to disappoint the folks forging the emails.

The database is up, just ironing out some code incompatibilities from the new SQL version.

I guess we got April Fooled. Myself included.
Why would someone go to such an effort to pump up their own site??? Here is an update/apology that was posted by Reefbuilders- it sounds like it was a malicious attempt to get people to stop using RC..."></a>

My apologies for posting this in the first place, but since it was carried over Reefbuilder's twitter feed I was sure it was legit...
ares;369569 wrote: Im going to guess that RC is probably many terrabytes large... heh might need more than a cd or dvd.

They'd at least need a junk drive :)
I had hoped it was a recoverable problem.
What a stunt though right?

I bet they set a record today!
Im a reef central member and everything seems to be working just fine there online as we speak...