Reef Cleaners Buy


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Hey guys, I'm planning on an order from Reef Cleaners and trying to hit the $50 free shipping. I'm at $37 right now so need another $13. If any of you guys near me want to place an order with them as well to get the free shipping, let me know. I plan to place the order tomorrow night so they should ship it Monday I'm guessing and be here around Wed. I'm placing the order tomorrow night regardless if I get the free shipping or not, but if I can get some more people to join in then it would be even better.

Here's the link to their website:"></a>

I also plan to place an order from Sunday night as well. These guys don't offer free shipping but have a flat rate of $14.50 per order regardless of how much you order. So I'd like to get at least 3 other people in on this to reduce the cost of shipping for everyone. The deadline to get in on this is Sunday afternoon at 4 pm. That way I can figure out how many people are in on it so i can divide the shipping cost between all of us and have payment sent me to before I place the order on Sunday night. Reason for this is because it's already hard enough to get in touch with everyone and have them send payment in time before I order so if others want in last minute, it makes it hard for me to collect payment and divide shipping cost prior to be ordering.

If you want in on this, please post here with direct link to what you want and the quantity that you want and total dollar amount. That way there's no he said, she said, he paid that much and she paid this much, it's all out in the open for everyone to witness.

Payment will have to be sent via paypal as a gift to avoid paypal fees unless I know you, in that case you can pay me when you come pick up. <span style="color: Red;">[B]<u><span style="font-size: 14px;">Pick up must be the same day shipment arrives</span></u>[/B]</span>. For those of you that don't know me, I've done this many times with Liveaquaria from Drs. Foster and Smith, so I'm not out there to scam you of 5 bucks.

Soooo, without further ado. This get this thing rolling!!

Oh by the way, I'm in Smyrna now, not Lilburn. I'm about 5 minutes from Cumberland mall.
PFCDeitz;846099 wrote: No one likes you lol

They did a awesome job a month ago It was great

HA!! I'm ordering regardless, it's not better if I can get more in. If not then ill just have to add more to get free shipping. Looks like ill have a lot of planets.
I would if I was closer but I'm far now. Glad you're back man. Cube came out great.
PFCDeitz;846108 wrote: I would if I was closer but I'm far now. Glad you're back man. Cube came out great.

Thanks man. You gotta swing by one day. It's been awhile, we can have a few drinks and catch up.
gmpolan;846117 wrote: Whens the expected delivery?

It's priority mail coming from FL. So I'm thinking I'm thinking if they ship Monday then it will be here Wednesday or Thursday.
Id be interested but im only in town friday through sunday, so let me know if that perhaps works
Best I can do is keep everything in my fuge for you until then. I need a cleanup crew bad since I'm starting to get my Diatom algae break out now and the 8 snails I have in my tank now isn't cutting it.
well i can come late thursday night or friday if that works for you
gmpolan;846126 wrote: well i can come late thursday night or friday if that works for you

Yeah that's fine. I don't sleep until 11 or midnight most nights. As long as your fine with having your stuff in my tank. Then again, I have nothing in my tank now so there's no worries about pest. Rock was dry brs punaki rocks that I cured in a tub for over a month then out in my tank.
I can't see anything on the link, it's just taking me to the cart. Can you post what you want, quantity and total amount.
I'm reached the free shipping quote with another member, but others are welcome to join as long as they can post what they want and send paypal info to me before 8pm (that's when I'm placing the order).
I have two other people interested in getting in on this but have not yet posted what they want, there's only an hour left so if you want in, let me know soon.
Order has been place. Thanks to two other members or making it happen. I'll update you guys with the status of the order as soon as anything changes.
Yeah sorry guys. I had to order today so they can **** it Tuesday. I'm in dire need of a cleaning crew and some macro algae.