Reef Creatures Unlimited - eBay seller


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<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Tahoma;">I found a local (sharpsburg) eBay seller that gives 14 days "stay live guarantee", 1 day shipping (radius of 250 miles from Atlanta) for $10 and will combine up to 10 frags in one shipment. He has an interesting frag selection.</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">"><span style="color: #606420;"></span></a></span>

<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Has anybody ordered from him before?</span>
Thekid55;61040 wrote: not to bad but the shipping for me was like $28

<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Don’t look at the shipping cost stated by eBay. He is specifically stating on the auction details:</span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"> </span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Some locations around 250 miles or so from Atlanta will ship Fedex home delivery ground in one day and shipping is usually about $10. You can go to and find out
I've ordered from him and met him locally for pick-up. I bought some of my first softies from him and met him in front of a Wal-mart in Mcdonough. Nice size and for the price and a friendly guy. I also believe he is a sponsor.
Check the Sponsor Page - They are ARC sponsors as well! Do not think any discount would apply to their Ebay auctions but contact Richard. He's great to deal with.
I have got alot of things from him and I would recommend him. Very nice and knows what he is talking about.:thumbs:
Nice to have another good shipper in the queue. Perhaps someone could update his store info with this ebay info.
I have bought several things from them before and have been really happy. I have noticed lately that their inventory is getting low. Are the exiting the business, taking a break or, restocking? They have great prices on certain things that can not be beat. If you are up for a trip to Sharpsburg you can save on shipping as well.
mufret;61068 wrote: Check the Sponsor Page - They are ARC sponsors as well! Do not think any discount would apply to their Ebay auctions but contact Richard. He's great to deal with.

<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">ARC Discount doesn’t apply to eBay auctions. Quote from sponsor:</span>

<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">
rgzfly;20315 wrote: For those of you who have visited our ebay store, I just wanted to let you know that the ARC discount only applies to the website. The ebay store is already at a discount and there's really no way to add a discount anyway.

<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">I have updated sponsor page with eBay store info.</span>
Wow, after being a sponsor for quite a while someone finally found the ebay store. First off the ebay store is really our primary way of buying corals, fish, and invertebrates. The website is so out of date it isn't funny. My fault. I've just had no responses and didn't feel the need. To give you a little background me and a buddy decided to start a business. I have the website and he runs the ebay store. The ebay store has done very well, and my site has lagged. My primary purpose was to offset the costs of my own tank. My partner Stan, has maintained a really good business model and normally has alot of stuff at very competitive prices. Now we do only offer the discount on the regular website, however, if you contact Stan at the link on Ebay, he's always more than willing to do what he can for locals. One reason there's not as much on there right now is that we had a complete system crash in the propagation system. Alot of the sps we were growing are now gone forever. If you've ever been to the beach at red tide, that's what it was like. The worst smell I've ever smelt. We do still have lots of leathers, tons of polyps, and a few odds and ends we were able to frag. The best part of this is that it made us rethink our business. We are setting up another prop system just for sps. This will separate our sps from our leathers and polyps. We plan on starting with some of the more rare, hard to find zoanthids, and lots of leather frags. We'll have some sps available in the future. I plan on finally fragging several of the rare montis and rare sps I've been patiently growing in my personal tank. I've found that with the addition of pool calcium, don't try this at home, I've finally been able to maintain my tank at or above 400. I do have close to 200 sps corals, which were brown and now are coloring up nicely. I've had considerable luck with several monti's that were brown and are now nicely colored specimans. I plan on offering these once the new system is up and running. I've also had alot of growth out of a blue acropora species. The first frag is going to Andy"leveldrummer", for building me a top down box. Oh, by the way Andy, the first frag is yours for helping me out. By the way, anything else you see thats fraggible is yours for the taking. I like to deal with people I know and hopefully the guys in the club that have come down to the boondocks can attest to that. Ask Mufret, he's not only bought several things in the past, but also knows I'll do my best to maintain a friendship that goes beyond the business side of this. If it weren't for fellow hobbyists, we couldn't keep this club going. Although I like to help offset my costs, I do like to spread the wealth when I can. I'll never give more than I can afford, and my fish are my pets, so they're off limits. But coral frags and used equipment I'll sell or trade for a great deal. By the way, anyone looking for a used Knop HD reactor? I've got one I'll sell for $100 or trade for rare corals. It needs a little tlc, and anyone with access to Weldon 16 could have a great reactor at a fraction of the cost. Thanks for looking at us, and give the ebay store a look. In the future it'll be back with lots of nicer things at a fair price.
Thanks again,
Reef Creatures Unlimited