Reef Crystals salt // RedSea AB+


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Any one out there using reef crystals or Red Sea AB+ have any issues with their corals?

both tanks have shriveled up shrooms and near complete color loss of ALL clalices and SPS corals…LPS are closing up and dying. Lost all my torches except the NY KNICKS he’s hanging on…strangely.

zoas are pissed but mostly fine….

The only thing different is :

1. reef crystals salt brand new from chewy sealed boxes-bought from a member GOOH — lot number 21182 about a thousand below from a fresh bucket I just got delivered from Amazon

2 started red sea AB+ Gave 3 doses of 40 ml to a 150 g system over 5 weeks.

all my tests are as they have always been for years..R/O tds is 0- new filter and membranes and DI resin over a month (maybe 2) ago.

ICP on order.

Dunno what it is , but these are the only two things that have changed in both tanks…
Heres an idea of what the color loss looks like…

this red monti is usually as bright as the zoas you see on it…

this seasons greeting is drab as well…still has ‘some color’ to it tho…

Heres my green goblin…aint so green anymore….
That’s interesting- I’ve been having some issues as well which may have also coincided with me starting to dose ab+
I’ve only been dosing half the recommended rate but will maybe stop to see if things get better
The first thing that happened for me was that my superman mushrooms puked their gut out….LITERALLY.
Well this is a 50g frag tank so I was adding 4ml/per day all at once.

My nitrates were also on the lower side and *could* have been 0 but it’s hard to tell with the api kit. I’ve dosed sodium nitrate and they’re at 20 now.

There’s no way to tell what caused it or if it was a combination of things…another great joy of this hobby
I would consider stopping the AB+ for a few weeks. Just my opinion. You could also send off some water samples for a full analysis to see if anything weird is in there.
I feel like it could be a buildup of things on its way to 23 tds over time before you changed it. Then, the ab was just coincidental or exposed a problem caused by the buildup. Problem is, it could be something locked in the rocks from using bad water for a while. Not sure but it's a possibility...23 tds doesn't happen overnight.
I dose AB+ .
About 20 ml every 2-3 days just cause I forget to do it daily. Lol. I've been doing so for a yr or more now. No issues.
At first I did get some diatom build up but the tank was fairly new so the nutrients were probably all out of wack. Now if I dont dose I start to see a drop in coloration and polyp extension.

Smart call on the ICP test.
I would stop the AB+ for now. Reef crystals is great for me. I only dose BRS 2-part in addition to that.