Reef lighting Color temp (revisited)


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Hey guys and gals,

I was just having a conversation with a friend of mine about LED fixtures, when he told me that he keeps his blues dimmed lower than his daylights for increased coral growth, and that 6,500k is the best spectrum for growth. I responded that the coral will actually grow faster under blue light, and that 20,000k is indeed the best spectrum for coral growth.

I really wish Advanced Aquarist wasn't down right now, because I believe it was">this article </a> that led me to believe that 20k bulbs are the only bulbs that truly have the required spectrum that corals need. Or I could be mistaken. I can't really say because the dang website is down.

So I picked [IMG]">another article </a> from and read this

[QUOTE=]I have personally used all of the above Kelvin bulbs with the following results:

The 6500 Kevin bulbs have given me the greatest coral growth in SPS, LPS placed lower in the tank and even soft corals. The color of the 6500-Kelvin bulbs when supplemented with actinic VHO tubes produces a crisp white appearance. For those seeking the greatest growth rates from SPS corals, I would recommend this color bulb.

The 10000-Kelvin bulbs also achieve good growth rates, albeit slower than the 6500-Kelvin bulbs. Their appearance is white with a slight blue tint when used with actinic supplementation. Bulbs of this color have produced excellent growth with soft corals and LPS in my own tanks along with slower paced SPS growth. I would recommend this bulb for a mixed reef environment.

The 20000-Kelvin bulb is very blue and brings out all of the fluorescent pigments in many corals. While they are visually appealing, the growth rate of my SPS corals came to a complete standstill while using them. I feel that these bulbs are well suited for a tank that simulates a deeper reef environment with LPS and soft corals but from my own experience, I do not feel that they are the best choice for high light SPS and clams. One note about the 20000-Kelvin lamps: in order to get the best intensity and color from these bulbs, they require a special HQI ballast for them to be driven as intended. This ballast is similar to the standard metal halide ballast, but includes a special starter to fire the lamp.[/QUOTE]

Now I'm just not sure what to think. What do you guys think? I was under the impression the blue light is not only good for making florescent colors pop, but it was the best for growth as well. Now, I have reason to believe that I'm wrong.
Blue will grow , but it doesn't penetrate the water very well compared to white when talking led's
I would not say 20k is better , it just has a crisper white color to it. Where as 10k is a bit more yellow like natural sun light. 8k is very yellow IMO but it projects the par deaper than others .
The zooxanthellae in coral grow at a few peak temps around 450 and 550 nm (see here"></a> ) the thing all these different light temps have is peaks in the nm we need for coral to grow.
Plants photosynthesis at 730 (orange red spectrum) which is why 65k is used for fw plants because it has a larger peak being more yellow than say 10k . So to answer the original question yes blue light can support coral with no issue whatsoever , if the par is strong enough from lenses or shallow tank depth.
Last week when I had G's par meter I looked at all my lights individually and together in every possible combo and I saw a huge drop in par penetration out of the exact lighting module under the same power with the blue , and more so with 395-405 even though there just for color vs the 10k .
Hope that helped answer some of that 4 you.

My lights are 12 not 10k sorry I can't keep it all straight
I have always thought that the 6500k or more yellow or sun color was the best for growth. But just my thoughts.
EmmaSlay;914291 wrote: Do you have any reference to back up that white light penetrates water better than blue light?

^^^That was me just got on the macbook and emmas acct was logged in.." alt="" />

I don't understand. Everything on the internet shows that violet and blue light penetrate much further into water than any other color temperature. Since a daylight has a much warmer color temp, it seems that it would not penetrate as far as a 420nm bulb.

Little bit off topic, and really really wishing AA wasn't down. Can anyone else view [IMG]">advanced aquarist</a>?

Edit: [QUOTE=][B]thefishbuddy;914293 wrote:[/B] I have always thought that the 6500k or more yellow or sun color was the best for growth. But just my thoughts.[/QUOTE]

You very well may be correct. It's just driving me crazy that I thought the general consensus was that blue light is for growing coral.

Of course if we all only used actinics our tanks would look like cosmic bowling alleys.

I will say that I grew coral at a pretty fast rate using 4 x 24w T5 actinic over a frag tank. They were intended to be supplemental to a 250w 14k phoenix, but I never got around to hanging the fixture and it brought the tank temp up too much on the mounting legs.

Edit: I'd still like to hear some more opinions though. And tomorrow, when that page is back up, I'm going to quote the bonkers out of it. Regardless of whether it says I'm still wrong or not.

Edit: Lets go with this fixture (reefbreeders value):
Channel 1 consists of 13 4500K neutral whites, 6 480nm blue, 6 420nm violet, and 2 660nm deep reds. Channel 2 consists of 28 450nm royal blues, for a 14k output with both channels at maximum intensity.

and say that "white" is 4500k.
From the link provided by Terry
In clear reef environments, the wavelengths of maximum penetration fall between 440 nm and 490 nm. This may explain, in part, the spectral peaks of chlorophyll b and some carotenoid pigments. This is not to say that other wavelengths are not represented or utilized by zooxanthellae, just that their energy relative to the above-mentioned range is not as great, especially as one goes deeper. Looking at the spectra in Fig. 1, it can be clearly seen that there is a broad peak from 400 nm to 550 nm and a narrower peak between 650 nm and 700 nm. However, while zooxanthellae do use light within these ranges, it must be remembered that the greatest absorbance occurs within the relatively narrow range of ~450 nm to ~460 nm.

So, where does this leave the reef hobbyist? While the actinic 03 bulb is adequate to the task, is there anything better? In my opinion, yes there is.

Custom Sealife has developed a bulb which peaks at ~460 nm (with a smaller peak at ~420 nm; Fig. 3) which matches more closely the absorbance spectra of zooxanthellae. This bulb, called Ultra-actinic, has a major peak at ~460 nm, which happens to be the greatest absorbance area for zooxanthellae! This light, in my opinion, is a major step above the use of actinic 03 as it provides a more usable spectral distribution. Combined with the Custom Sealife Ultra daylight bulb, the spectrum matches very closely that of the absorbance spectra for zooxanthellae, with peaks in both the ~400 nm to ~550 nm range and the ~650 nm to ~700 nm range. In theory, then, the zooxanthellae are able to utilize a greater portion of the light hitting them than they might using an actinic 03/full spectrum bulb combination.

Practical experience has shown me, as well as a host of other hobbyists, the the use of these bulbs in combination allows for superb stony and soft coral growth and color, matching those produced by metal halide lighting of similar wattage. When compared to VHO lighting, the results are far superior.

alt="" />
EmmaSlay;914291 wrote: Do you have any reference to back up that white light penetrates water better than blue light?

Yes the par meter I held in my hand was sufficient for me .. J/K

I'm not sure now where I read this but I did research for 3 months before dividing in to led's I just know whites carys all of the peaks we seek , because its made of all colors

the coral don't see so it doesn't know wether or not its 10k or 20k , just that the nm it requires is present and at a usable par. The difference is rather than just 450nm which is royal blue it also has other nm ranges needed even though that's the strongest peak.

The different temps 6500k 10k etc are only names we use do describe a target spectrum because we can't see the nm or par with our eyes , but we know through technology that these colors Cary these better.

Coral can grow under 65k because it also carys along with peak plant requirements the 450nm , but some kelvin's
Cary a wider and stronger range coral need

Here is a simil discussion on rc that may shed more light .. :tongue: I made a funny"></a>

This is additional spectrum penetration info I just found.


Heres another article from AA that we can't read tonight:">
PAR Meters and LEDs - How accurate are the measurements?</a>


Does a PAR meter measure all radiation from 400-700 nm? Then it would make sense that 6500k would show more par than actinic.

So this is starting to make more sense now.
Idk I think I got my head wrapped around it all and then I get drunk on it again , so much info ...

I dont fully understand why blue specific bulbs/diodes don't penetrate as well but its the case I found in my cree led's same led same power not the same par , its verified in the rc discussion the same as the results I'd found.
That's fine, I was just asking for a link so I could read it.

I'm want to understand what's best for MY corals, not to prove who's right and who's wrong.

I wonder what range of photosynthetically active radiation would actually be missing from a blue/white (non full spectrum) fixture.. but that is a whole other thread and I'm sure it can be found very easily by UTSE

(thats using the search engine for non-forum addicts)
JDavid;914314 wrote: That's fine, I was just asking for a link so I could read it.

I'm want to understand what's best for MY corals, not to prove who's right and who's wrong.

I wonder what range of photosynthetically active radiation would actually be missing from a blue/white (non full spectrum) fixture.. but that is a whole other thread and I'm sure it can be found very easily by UTSE

(thats using the search engine for non-forum addicts)

Check ny led spectrum thread. I posted the best advanced aquarist article I found about the most important spectrums to coral growth. The key is to provide the spectrum for zooxanthalae growth. That will keep your polyps happy and with good params you will get the growth. Some light spectrums are best for growth while others are best for coral fluorescence. Grow light vs sell light. Your most important lights are 450nm, 420, 660, 520. In that order imo. MH and t5 users get the full soectrums in their bulbs. Led users need to use chips in the targeted ranges.
JDavid;914260 wrote:

I really wish Advanced Aquarist wasn't down right now, because I believe it was">this article </a> that led me to believe that 20k bulbs are the only bulbs that truly have the required spectrum that corals need.[/QUOTE]

All AA articles are back up- [IMG]"></a>
[QUOTE=]Now let us consider important characteristics of light, which are required for our further conclusions.

First such characteristic is CCT - Correlated Color Temperature. CCT of a given light source characterizes the temperature of an absolutely black body that would radiate a similar spectrum. The hotter the black body, the higher will be the CCT and the more blue or "cold" will be the light. As an illustration, sunlight has a yellow tint, whereas blue giants - huge stars with high temperature of the surface: 10000K and above (Sirius, for example) - seem bluish even to the naked eye.

Let us compare the radiation spectrums from two different absolute black bodies with different CCTs [10]. The diagrams also indicate the dominating wavelength. Fig. 15 pictures the spectrum of a light source with 5500K CCT, and Fig. 16 - with 6500K CCT:

Fig. 15 The spectrum of a light source with CCT 5500K

Fig. 16 The spectrum of a light source with 6500K

You can see that the dominating wavelength increases with the increase of CCT: it is equal to 444nm for the relatively warm light of the 6500K CCT. For a 8000K CCT bulb the calculated wavelength is about 420nm. Practically speaking, CCTs over 20000K is senseless. However, light bulb manufacturers often "abridge" the spectrum to a particular range of special interest, offering light bulbs with the spectrum similar to the one shown in Fig. 17:

Fig. 17 The spectrum of the Grassy glow super blue 25000K bulb

Even though the dominating wavelength of this bulb is about 450nm, it has a CCT of 25000K! [11]

Thus, CCTs cannot be used as a criterion for the comparison of particular light source spectra. Moreover, even high CCT values do not guarantee that we shall get the required "actinic" spectrum.

Another important characteristic is CRI - the Color Rendition Index. Unfortunately this term is often interpreted wrongly. It characterizes the influence of light source on the perception of an object's color. This parameter shows how correctly a light source with a particular CCT will deliver the color of an illuminated object, compared with an ideal source - an absolutely black body with the same color temperature. To determine the CRI, a set of 8 standard color samples is illuminated with the source and with the light of a back body with the same color temperature. If none of the samples change their color, CRI is equal to 100. The index reduces in inverse proportion to the number of color changes in samples. It is usually believed that a CRI above 80 is good. It is important to know, however, that CRI is calculated for light sources with a particular color temperature. It is not appropriate to compare a 2700K, 82 CRI light source with a 5000K, 85 CRI source.

Also note that CCT and CRI are only defined for full-spectrum light sources. The CRI of monochromatic light is close to zero, and its CCT cannot be calculated. Look at Fig. 15, Fig. 16 - you can see a wide spectrum, starting near 120nm and finishing around 3000nm. In this whole range a clear maximum is present, and most of energy is radiated in a narrow band of wavelengths. Radiation spectrum of a black body can never have the shape of a narrow-band spike, similar to the spectrum of a monochromatic light source, and therefore, calculation of CCT for such sources makes no sense.

All fluorescent and MH bulbs have a discrete spectrum, whereas sunlight has a continuous spectrum. Discrete spectrum is a result of using a discharge in mercury (and other metal) vapors, with several peaks at different wavelengths, mostly in the ultraviolet range. Phosphors on the bulb convert this radiation into narrow bands of visible light. A discrete spectrum vs. continuous is shown in Fig. 18:

Fig. 18 Continuous (above) and discrete (below) spectrum

The gaps - wavelengths that are missing in a discrete spectrum - mean that certain tints of color cannot be correctly rendered under such illumination and, as a result, the light source will have a low color rendition index (CRI). Of course, light bulb manufacturers try to avoid deep gaps in the spectrum. Look at the spectrums of popular marine MH bulbs: BLV HIT 10000K and BLV HIT 14000K (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19 The spectrum of Metal Halide bulbs BLV HIT 10000K (a).

Fig. 19 The spectrum of Metal Halide bulbs BLV HIT 14000K (b).

These bulbs do not have deep gaps in their spectrum, so that the intensity at a certain wavelength would drop to zero, hence both are full-spectrum bulbs and their CRI can be determined. At the same time, they exhibit clear discrete peaks, meaning that when using these bulbs precise color rendition cannot be achieved. Note that bulbs with different CCT: 10,000 Kelvin - 14,000 Kelvin are used in this example. Their main difference is in the significant portion of 400-440nm radiation in the second bulb, whereas the 460nm peak is missing. This is logical and clear: the higher the temperature of an absolutely black body, the more its spectrum would shift into the short wavelength region. Since the 400-450nm range is most important for a reef aquarium, and because, in order to attract the customer, manufacturers often calculate the CCT to satisfy their interests, we can safely state that maximum radiation in the required range is only achieved when a CCT of approximately 20000K is declared. Have a look at the spectrum of a 400W Hamilton Metal Halide bulb with 20000K CCT (Fig. 20):

Fig. 20 The spectrum of a 400W Hamilton Radium Metal Halide bulb with 20000K CCT

This bulb radiates a significant portion of its power in the 400-450nm range, with a noticeable peak around 420-430nm. Only a small portion of radiated power in the longer wavelength range makes its light visible, rather than dark to the eye as violet-blue.

High CCT bulbs are often characterized by a significant portion of radiation in the 420-430nm range. Experienced reef aquarists recommend 20000K bulbs for providing the best color for marine organisms. This advice, obtained through years of practice, matches well with the conclusions we derived above.

Of course, there is an exception from any rule. In our case, such an exception is marine organisms which only live in shallow waters in their natural habitat, in the tidal zone for example. This is an important reservation: there are species which can live both in shallow waters and at medium depth, and they are quite tolerant of the light spectrum. Certain species, however, can only live close to the surface, and cannot survive even at small depths. Such species do not adapt well, not only to the weaker illumination but also to a different spectrum. Certain species of colonial polyps of the Zoantidae genus are an example of this.

Let us now consider the spectrum radiated by various LEDs. The spectrum of a cool-white LED with CCT around 7000K is shown in Fig. 21.

Fig. 21 The spectrum of a white LED

This spectrum is not discrete, but has a significant sag in the 470-500nm range. This gap can be compensated easily by adding a blue LED to the fixture. Have a look at the spectral power distribution for different color LEDs of Philips LUXEON Rebel ES series (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22 Spectral power distribution of Philips LUXEON Rebel ES color LEDs

Radiation of the Blue LED is most suitable to compensate for the required 470-490nm range. Even a better match could be achieved by using a LED with a 475nm peak - fortunately, such LEDs exist!

To better explain this, let us consider the term bin, which manufacturers use to characterize their LEDs. A bin is a group of LEDs that have been selected according to a certain parameter. There are efficiency bins, CCT and CRI bins, and dominating wavelength (DWL) bins are available for monochromatic (single color) LEDs. DWL bins for blue LUXEON Rebel color LEDs are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 LUXEON LED bin distribution by wavelength

Adding a LED with the DWL bin code 4, we can flatten the white LED's spectral curve in the 430 to 600nm wavelength range.

We shall now turn to actual implementation of LED fixtures for the reef aquaria.

Using just two types of LEDs (white and blue) is not sufficient, because such a fixture will miss a significant amount of light in the 400-450nm range - much less than it is measured in the ocean, at the depth of just a few meters. The 450nm spectral range can be easily scaled up by using Royal Blue LEDs with a corresponding peak. Apart from that, the white LED spectrum quickly diminishes in the dark-red range, around 650-660nm. According to the model shown in Fig. 4, this part of the spectrum is also required for shallow-water photosynthetic organisms and adding this range can be beneficial -it will also help to emphasize the red color in the reef tank. What kind of spectrum shall we attain as a result? Answer: Something very close to the spectrum of the best light fixtures that are commercially available today. As an illustration, Fig. 23 shows the spectrum of Ecotechmarine Radion, ReefBuilders 2011 LED showdown winner [18].

Fig. 23 Output spectrum graph of Ecotechmarine Radion LED fixture

As you can see, the gap in the 480nm range is properly filled (this fixture uses Cree's blue LEDs). Besides, a small peak in the 660nm range is available. However, any wavelengths in the 400-430nm range, which could promote the fluorescence of many marine organisms, are virtually missing.

This range is missing in the majority of reef LED fixtures. Until recently, no LEDs of proper quality were available in the market for the 420nm range. For the few available offerings the prices were quite high, along with short operation time and poor efficiency. At the same time, the required total radiation in this wavelength range is quite significant, and adding the appropriate number of LEDs seriously affected the total cost of the fixture. As a result, manufacturers installed a tiny fraction of the required number of pure actinic LEDs, at best. In the beginning of 2012 this situation has the potential to change quickly since the introduction of efficient and relatively inexpensive 420nm LEDs [15]. By using these new generation LEDs in pure actinic wavelength range, it is possible to create an affordable LED fixture with proper spectrum required for the reef tank.

Many hobbyists tried to use inexpensive no-brand Chinese LEDs in the pure actinic range. However, their efficiency is low and, as a result, the crystal deteriorates quickly due to overheating. Worst of all, this deterioration is hard to estimate visually, since the eye's sensitivity in 420nm range is very poor. Besides, spectral distribution of such low-quality LEDs can be very wide (from 350nm in the ultraviolet range, and up to green light): these longer wavelengths affect the visibility of coral fluorescence. At the same time the research conducted by the European Commission Joint Research Center [12] shows that UV light with shorter wavelengths may cause unsightly phosphorescence of small particles suspended in water (Fig. 24).

Fig. 24 Phosphorescence of small particles in water under UV illumination

The diagram contains several graphs for the phosphorescence of differently sized particles. We are mostly interested in particles sized around 60 &#956;m, which are abundant in a reef tank. When irradiated with wavelengths shorter than 370-380nm, this phosphorescence can be quite significant.

Wide spectral diagrams of previous generation LEDs contained a significant portion of 370nm radiation which caused noticeable phosphorescence of suspended particles in the aquarium, hence many DIY LED fixture builders recommended the use very few pure actinic LEDs.

Fortunately, the newest generation of LEDs has an efficient bandwidth of about 30nm [15], and by using LEDs in the 400-430nm range we can avoid the phosphorescence of suspended particles, even though total radiation power can be quite high.

We shall now try to estimate the amounts of light at selected wavelength ranges: 400-440nm, 440-480nm, 480-520nm, and 520-700nm. Each range will correspond to one color channel in a LED fixture and can be achieved by using one type or a combination of several types of LEDs.

Insolation at the ocean surface depends on the presence of clouds, position of the sun, and other factors. For our estimates we shall assume an average monthly insolation of 1789 J/cm2, based on 3 months statistics for Fiji [20]. Assuming a 12 hours photoperiod, this translates to 413 W/m2.

By integration of solar radiation power in accordance with Fig.3, we shall obtain the distribution of visible light power in the above sub-ranges for different depths (Table 2):

Table 2 Average light power (in W per sq.m.) for the defined spectral ranges during the day

Spectral sub-ranges, nm
Depth, m (feet). 400-440 440-480 480-520 520-700 Total power
0 (0) 55 64 62 232 413
5 (16.4) 54 63 60 163 340
10 (32.8) 53 61 57 94 266
15 (49.2) 52 60 55 26 193
Although the table is based on naturally available spectral distribution at specified depths, note that the 400-500nm range is the most required, since it provides the best coloration and fluorescence in corals; whereas, the longer wavelength radiation in 500-700nm range is poorly utilized by marine photosynthetic organisms. At the same time, the human eye is very sensitive to the 520-600nm range and therefore we do not need very much radiation power in that range: even small amounts of illumination will be sufficient for the eye to perceive the tank as brightly lit. Meanwhile, supplementation of 660nm LEDs can be beneficial for shallow-water organisms. At the same time, this wavelength, in combination with the 400-420nm range, will promote correct rendition of the purple color.

As we have shown, the 400-480nm range is most important for marine photosynthetic organisms. In their natural environment corals are getting 52 to 55W/m2 of optical power in the 400-440nm range and 60 to 64W/m2 in the 440-480nm range.

If only these wavelengths are used in the fixture, using the empirical expression Watts/m2 = 0.21*L [19], we can achieve illumination levels between 528 and 567 &#956;mol·photons/m2/s. As it was shown above, this is sufficient for proper growth and coloration of light-demanding corals.

However, we do not recommend using that much radiation power all the time over the reef tank, and the following factors should be considered:

Apart from the mentioned wavelength ranges, for an improved visual effect most hobbyists will also utilize LEDs in other ranges. These LEDs will also contribute to total radiated optical power.
Radiation power over 400&#956;mol·photons/m2/s can be too high. Production of chromoproteins stops below 100 &#956;mol·photons/m2/s; i.e., at an illumination level 4 times smaller.
Many aquarists are using controllers to imitate sunrises/sunsets and other effects, and radiated power may change significantly during the day. Mean power during the photoperiod is less than the maximum power.
Marine photosynthetic organisms most efficiently utilize radiation with the wavelengths around 430nm, and this range also stimulates their most intensive coloration.
We believe that the most reasonable maximum radiation power should be about 45W/m2 for the 400-440nm range and about 40W/m2 for the 440-480nm range. Note: Here and above we mention optical radiation power rather than the electrical power consumed by the LEDs. To determine the number of LEDs required in a fixture and their rated current these figures must be converted into electrical power, which depends on the efficiency of the LEDs actually used. These calculations, selection of particular LEDs and other matters concerning the actual construction of a LED fixture will be considered in our next article.

If the reef tank is only illuminated in these wavelength ranges for 12 hours, with short sunrises and sunsets specific to the equatorial zone, we will obtain an average radiation power of 400&#956;mol·photons/m2/s, which is sufficient for optimal production of chromoproteins. Since the light fixture is likely to also include LEDs in other wavelength ranges, we can safely assume that these figures include some power margin.

Also note that although 400&#956;mol·photons/m2/s radiation power is optimal for coloration of corals, such high illumination requires pristine water conditions in the tank. Radiation power 4 times below this level is already sufficient to start production of chromoproteins in corals. We recommend starting slowly, with initial lighting levels close to the lower boundary of about 100&#956;mol·photons/m2/s. Within several months you can gradually increase the illumination, while closely monitoring water parameters and the corals' reaction. If the system is stable and all parameters are in the optimal range, optical power can be gradually increased up to 400&#956;mol·photons/m2/s.

As we have seen, formal parameters such as CRI and CCT are not very useful for determining whether a particular light fixture is suitable for a reef tank. At the same time we need to point out again that sufficient power in the 400-480nm wavelength range is critically important. If this condition is fulfilled, other parameters of the light fixture may be selected based on the owner's individual preferences (just make sure that the total radiated power does not exceed the recommended values). We have to admit, unfortunately, that most of the commercially available light fixtures today are only utilizing the 450nm range and above, whereas an ultimately important range between 400 and 440nm is usually left out, or is inadequately represented.

Another article on "the best bulb""></a>

^from 2008, but still.
It seemed a bit like a promotion for ecotech radions, backed with lighting terminology IMO.

Edit: It seemed a bit like a promotion for ecotech radions, backed with lighting terminology IMO.
Tbub1221;914308 wrote:

the coral don't see so it doesn't know wether or not its 10k or 20k , just that the nm it requires is present and at a usable par. The difference is rather than just 450nm which is royal blue it also has other nm ranges needed even though that's the strongest peak.

The different temps 6500k 10k etc are only names we use do describe a target spectrum because we can't see the nm or par with our eyes , but we know through technology that these colors Cary these better.

Introduction to PUR"></a>
The color temperature of a light bulb, or more precisely its extrapolated value, gives us more information about its dominating wavelength than about its real spectrum. The table below can give you a few educated clues. You will note that heated at 5,500 K, a black body emits about the same energy in all wavelengths, and that is light spectrum is usually called "daylight". Below this value, light tends to become yellow, above it becomes blue - even if our eyes do not necessarily sense this.

Here are some values:

Candle light: 600 K
75 W common light bulb: 2850 K
150 W common light bulb: 3,000 K
Halogen light bulb: 3,400 K
Daylight: 5,500/6,500 K
Cloudless sky: from 10,000 to 20,000 K
Not only is it important to know how to judge light's quality, in fact its spectrum, it is also important to judge:

the quantity of light generated by a source (in all directions),
the quantity of light reaching the target surface
Because things are never really simple when light is concerned, there are many units used that relate to the different light properties related here.

The Watt and Watt/m2 refer to the amount of energy consumed by the source and the amount of energy emitted by a given surface.

The lumen and the lux (1 lux = 1 lumen/m2) originated from industrial standards and are linked to a reference light source (540x1012 Hertz and 1/683 Watt). Our eyes are particularly sensitive to this wavelength (yellow-green). Lumen and lux are then better used for the qualification of commercial light sources targeting our visual comfort, and are less useful when studying biological phenomenons like photosynthesis (read below).

The micro-Einstein (µE) quantifies the amount of photons emitted or received by a body. One Einstein is equivalent to one mole of photons (6.023x1023 photons). This unit doesn't take into consideration the energy carried by the photons (this energy depends on the wavelength). Why should we be interested by this unit? There are two answers.

The first answer will help us to slightly deflate the ego of the person who proudly bought a 14,000 K metal halide bulb: "Yeah... Right... You know... What matters to corals is the PAR. Your bulb, how many micro-Einsteins does it have?" If your friend has a clue about the PAR, then start asking him about the PUR (more on that later).

Seriously, the right answer is that the Einstein is a good indicator of the photosynthetic activity of plants. The biological mechanisms in place during the luminous phase of photosynthesis do not depend on the photons' energy, but on their number. This is exactly what the Einstein displays. The PAR (Photosynthetic Available Radiation, unit µE/m2/s) measures the number of photons reaching a surface, all this in the wavelengths of the visible light (between 400 and 700nm). It is indeed in this portion of the spectrum that we can find the different absorption peaks of the photosynthetic pigments. As these pigments do not absorb energy in a equal manner on all that 400-700nm range, but only at certain precise wavelengths, some prefer using the PUR (Photosynthetic Usable Radiation) in order to quantify the number of photons truly used by the photosynthetic cells. The PUR is thus defined by the light source (emitted spectrum, intensity) and by the studied pigments (because of their absorption spectrum). This one is probably better left to specialists...[/QUOTE]

Edit: [QUOTE=][B]Sn4k33y3z;915027 wrote:[/B] It seemed a bit like a promotion for ecotech radions, backed with lighting terminology IMO.

Edit: It seemed a bit like a promotion for ecotech radions, backed with lighting terminology IMO.[/QUOTE]
The 2012 feature article, Light in the Reef Aquaria?


Edit: You really have to click the link and view the graphs, but here
[QUOTE=]Perhaps every reef hobbyist is willing to provide the "right" light to his corals - both correct spectrum and sufficient intensity are important. Before we consider how to implement this "right light," we shall first try to understand what kind of light marine organisms get in their natural environment.

As our starting point, consider the spectral distribution of solar energy in Fiji in July, Fig. 1:

Fig. 1 Spectral distribution of sunlight energy at the level of the sea

The horizontal axis of the graph is wavelength, in nanometers, and the vertical axis is spectral irradiance, in W/m2·nm. The human eye is sensitive to radiation in the range between approximately 400 and 700nm, therefore we marked the wavelength ranges shorter than 400nm (ultraviolet light) or longer than 700nm (infrared radiation) in black, whereas visible wavelengths are colored as they are perceived by the eye.

The chart in Fig. 1 has been obtained from the solar spectrum at the boundary of the earth atmosphere using the SMARTS 2.9.5 scientific simulation software. This simulator takes into account light absorption by various components of the atmosphere as well as scattered light from the sky.

Let us now try to find out what kind of light spectrum is available to marine organisms in their natural environment. In our attempt to build an ideal light fixture for our reef tanks we shall try to generate a similar spectral distribution at certain depths underwater.

Different coral species live on various depths: some live in very shallow waters, whereas deep water corals, such as Bathypates spp., can be found on the depths of up to 8000 meters (about 5 miles). About 20% of all coral species are non photosynthetic; they do not require any light as a food source. Most corals, however, are photosynthetic, and these are the species which are kept most often at home aquaria. We shall try to figure out what kind of light they prefer.

Consider the graph of solar light penetration into marine water, depending on wavelength, compiled by the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of the European Commission [4] (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2 Penetration of light into seawater, depending on wavelength

The horizontal axis is the light wavelength, in nanometers, and the vertical axis is depth, in meters, at which the intensity of that wavelength is equal to one percent of the intensity at the surface. It is clear from this graph that wavelengths between approximately 370 and 500nm best penetrate into the depth. In other words, violet and blue parts of the spectrum penetrate best into seawater, whereas green light is much worse at that, yellow-orange is even worse, and red light with wavelengths longer than 600nm is only capable of penetrating very shallow waters.

The light spectrum on the surface can be defined as a function I0(&#955;), where &#955; is the wavelength and I0 is the intensity for corresponding wavelength at zero depth. Hence the adsorption spectrum Ia(&#955;) at the depth D can be determined as

Ia(&#955;) = I0(&#955;) · K(&#955;) · D (1)

where K(&#955;) is the adsorption by marine water as a function of wavelength.

The spectrum at the depth D will be equal to the spectrum on the surface I0(&#955;) minus the adsorption spectrum Ia(&#955;):

I(&#955;) = I0(&#955;) - Ia(&#955;),

or, by substituting (1) into this expression, we shall derive:

I(&#955;) = I0(&#955;) · (1 - K(&#955;) · D) (2)

From this expression we can derive the graph of light penetration into seawater d(&#955;):

d(&#955;) = (1 - I(&#955;) / I0(&#955;)) / K(&#955;)) (3)

Providing that the graph in Fig. 2 is based on the assumption that light intensity on the specified depth is equal to 1% of the intensity on the surface, i.e. I(&#955;) = 0,01 · I0(&#955;), we can simplify (3):

d(&#955;) = 0.99 / K(&#955;)

This function d(&#955;) is our graph of light penetration into seawater, which is pictured in Fig. 2. Using this graph we can determine light adsorption in seawater as a function of wavelength K(&#955;):

K(&#955;) = 0.99 / d(&#955;) (4)

By substituting the expression (4) into (2), we can derive the spectral distribution of light at a given depth D:

I(&#955;) = I0(&#955;) · (1 - 0.99 · D / d(&#955;)) (5)

where I0(&#955;) is the light spectrum on the surface and d(&#955;) is the graph of light penetration into seawater (Fig. 2).

Using the expression (5) and the data from graphs in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, we can obtain the diagram of light energy distribution vs. wavelength at a given depth. As an example, on the same graph (Fig. 3) we pictured light's relative spectral distribution at the surface and at the depths of 5m (about 16.4 feet) and 15m (49 feet). Note: 15m is the maximum depth at which we can still find many light-demanding corals in nature. At the depths below 20m, the number of light demanding species sharply decreases.

Fig. 3 Light spectral distribution vs. wavelength on the surface (light blue), at 5m (blue) and 15m (dark blue) depths

The light-blue graph corresponds to irradiation on the surface, the blue graph - to 5m depth, and the dark-blue - to 15m depth. Note that with depth, the red part of the spectrum virtually disappears.

[B]During hundreds of millions years of evolution marine photosynthetic organisms adapted to best utilize mainly the violet and blue parts of the spectrum, which is more abundant in their environment, and are not very sensitive to the red spectrum (which, in contrast, is most actively utilized by terrestrial plants). Symbiotic zooxanthellae in marine photosynthetic organisms are primitive Pyrrophyta algae [5] containing mainly chlorophyll a and c and carotenoid pigments (peridinine, xanthins, etc) which exhibit strong absorption in the blue-green part of the spectrum. [6,7,22]. Fig. 4 [22] demonstrates light adsorption by zooxanthellae.[/B]

[B]Fig. 4 Light absorption by zooxanthellae

The horizontal axis is the wavelength, in nanometers, and vertical axis is adsorption, in arbitrary units. You can see from the graph that violet and blue colors strongly prevail over red (note that for red spectrum, the 660-680nm range is preferable).

Our main conclusion from the above is that violet and blue light are most important for marine photosynthetic organisms.[/B]

Knowing what is naturally available to corals from the color spectrum, we shall now consider the next important issue: how irradiation by different spectral ranges affects coral coloration?

Before we consider the influence of the light spectrum on coral coloration I would like to point out that even coloration of the same coral may vary significantly depending on conditions. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to provide exactly identical conditions for the corals, even in the same aquarium - and this is even harder for two different tanks. Without providing the right conditions for the corals, other attempts to improve their coloration, such as adjustments of the light spectrum, will be in vain[/QUOTE]