Reef Problems. Start Here First.


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Hi guys. This is just a reminder to experienced and non experienced reefers alike that when problems arise to start at the basics and work your way up from there to find the issue.


In keeping marine fish and corals it is important to remember that, as aquarists, it is our first and primary challenge to maintain water as a medium in which organisms can thrive. Always remember we are "water keepers" first. So, in an attempt to help you find the root of the issue you're having please answer the following basic questions. Ideally you have at least a 3 month baseline, if not just answer what you know.

1) Average Alk over the last 3 months

2) Average PH over the last 3 months

3) Average NO3 over the last 3 months

4) Average PO4 over the last 3 months

5) Average tank temp

6) Are you making your own RODI water (if not what is your water source?)

7) Are you dosing anything? If so what is it? How much per day?
I have Rose tip bubble anemone that has shrunk and split from 3 to 7 and I have been told it is now hungry..  I have been feeding them brime shrimp 1-3 times a week but they do not seem to be getting bigger is there some thing else I need to be doing to make them healthier...
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RBTA’s can’t eat for weeks after splitting.

Their focus is formation of their foot for security. They have to shape their mouth to the correct form and tentacles around it from the center of that but it takes time. As long as they have healthy water, moderate flow and good required lighting, they will be moving & eating when ready.

Give it time don’t waste your time or stress.

They look great to me!