Reefbreeder LED upgrade allows Apex control


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Johns Creek
I thought I would pass some great news around!

I spoke with Rick with Reef Radiance and they have an upgrade package for their LEDs which will allow their existing LEDs full Apex control with a $99 upgrade which can be installed by the user.

Rick said that the Upgrade could also be used with the Reefbreeder Photon48 (Im not sure about other versions). He wont give me any details yet. However, he said to keep an eye on their website over the next week for information and availability for the upgrade.
I have a photon 30 so I really hope this works for that too. Thanks for the heads up!
Your welcome! I spoke with Logan and they have an upgrade coming soon that will allow linking two or more ReefBreeder Leds and master/ sync capabilities.
Yeah I'll be right behind ya. I'm pretty sure you can hook up the WP wavemakers to run with off the Apex too. So that's a plus too.
JDWells;967420 wrote: Yeah I'll be right behind ya. I'm pretty sure you can hook up the WP wavemakers to run with off the Apex too. So that's a plus too.

You can connect any WPs to the Apex via a reef angel cable (its a 5v reducing cable) and a light kit wire from Neptune. Use fusion and you can run any amount of power up and down through the course of the day and night. Duplicating reef crest, flush and waves. Its really only limited by the user.