Reefing and You (corals and stuff just to be clear)


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I've been around a while and seen folks come and go, heck I even came and went once (for about a week I think) and I know we have a great community with a lot of great people. I've had the privilage to meet many of you! For me the people are what keeps me attached to a thing (in this case reefing). Don't get me wrong I love having fat man sized corals as much as anyone, but the people are great!

So my question is this....
What keeps YOU in the hobby? What keeps you at ARC? Knock ya self out!
I went into reefing bc I have always had a love of corals and reefs. But as you stated ARC is definitely a factor to keep me going. I really appreciate the people that I have met. Everyone has always been great and friendly and always willing to answer my newbie questions without hesitation.
A little story here.

I'm rather new to this community. I joined a few months back and it's been great. In this time I've met two really cool dudes. Jcook54 and dball 711 both sold me several corals. The coral they sold me definitely was worth a ton more than what I paid. You could say they practically gave it away for the prices they were asking. I asked them both the same question "Why are you selling it so cheap, you know how much this is worth, right?" I got a similar answer from the gentlemen. They both genuinely want to help others out and make the hobby more accessible. So far that has been a theme in ARC. Everyone here is really helpful, information is abundant, and it's overall a fantastic community through and through.
I've always enjoyed the challenge that reefing provides, i think I'm drawn to things that aren't easy. Reef keeping always provides problems to figure out and solve, communities like ARC are a great asset when it comes to getting support and also helping out by giving away my experience to others.

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It is a very relaxing hobby (when things are going right) :) But seriously, the awe I feel when I look inside a reef tank...that we can keep the amazing creatures that God made, alive and even thriving in a box of salt water is amazing.

Also, I have been on several salt forms and this one.. is a local community of people that are genuine and truely just want to enjoy the hobby and make sure others can too by helping as much as they can. A wonderful forum to ask questions and get honest feedback and good advice.
All the time and money i put in it just being able to make things grow list can go on and on just a few but the people around me arc been great meet a few good one
I have always been in love with Reefs and the world underneath the water and enjoy having it in my house to look at it everyday. I like it so much I moved to the beach

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