reefing in england


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you know when your addicted when the first thing you do when you go aboard is check out the local reef stores...i've been to 2 already and if you think we complain about prices think the prices are crazy here...
going to check out some tanks later on in the week.. will let you know how us americans compare to the europeans.. i think they're tanks might blow ours away... on the look out for some "coral blue" to kick start the tank will keep you posted... Rit and jess i'll keep you in mind of i come across some...
Jaime I went by and checked on your tank yestersay. All is well, plenty of water in your topoff tank--Nesh is on top of it! I'm having fun fragging all your corals while your gone, too! (just kiddin')

I'd like to see you try to make it through customs with some frags!
While you are over there go ahead and pick up some HGH. I will hit you when u get back. LOL. Have a great trip man!!!
Have a great trip! I flew a pair of African Cichlids from LA to FL once while I was in college. They made a trip including a detour thru the baggage X Ray machine without any issue. Hopefully you can get a coral or two here??? Any rate hope you have a good time. :)
LOL.....I took my wife by a reef shop in italy on our HONEYMOON but they were close so I couldnt check out prices or anything.....all the windows were shut too........bummmer.