ReefKeeper Elite or AquaController 3 Pro?


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I am in the market for a nice controller for my system and seeing mixed reviews on these 2. With the new features, upcoming wireless access for the RKE and with the price point, wouldn't this be the way to go now?

Seems like you will get more functionality and save a couple hundred bucks with the new RKE.

ChrisOzment;225056 wrote: With the new features, upcoming wireless access for the RKE and with the price point, wouldn't this be the way to go now? Thoughts?

I bought the RKE for use on my 210 a while back and so far I am pleased with it. The promise of future features was the hook for me too. Unfortunately, I think they have been swamped with initial release issues and have not had time to work on the new features like Moon Lights Control and wireless data logging. Mine has been stable with very few issues so far. At this point I only control my lights, heater, pH and Temp. I'm runnning my sump return pump on a UPS and one of my Vortechs so that's not on the RKE.

The reefkeeper elite is good , but it does not have more functions then ac3pro. Plus neptune has alot better tech support the RK
As a long time AC II and AC III user I still think the feature/flexibility edge goes to the AC. However, Neptune's new feature developent has been pretty stagnant for quite some time. The AC line isn't very flashy but it is way more flexible than the RKE IMO. That being said, if you don't need the advanced features and trust development will come, I would be tempted to try out the RKE. It sure looks sexy!

Also, why are you considering the ACIII Pro, what feature(s) do you need that the regular ACIII does not have?
As a long time RK user... I would say, go with the ACIII. I do not trust RK to come out with the new "features" in a timely manner. AC has a proven track record.
Yesterday 5:12 PMSchwaggsAs a long time AC II and AC III user I still think the feature/flexibility edge goes to the AC. However, Neptune's new feature developent has been pretty stagnant for quite some time. The AC line isn't very flashy but it is way more flexible than the RKE IMO. That being said, if you don't need the advanced features and trust development will come, I would be tempted to try out the RKE. It sure looks sexy!

Also, why are you considering the ACIII Pro, what feature(s) do you need that the regular ACIII does not have?

I like the web access to the data.

If you want to take a look at the RKE closeup, you are welcome to come by some time and see mine. LMK

Thanks Bob - i would like the web based data and there's really no telling when that will be available in the RKE. I am leaning towards the AC3 Pro but if I can find a RK, I'll jump on that to save a ton of cash.
Ironically Bob, I should have bought the AC3 that was for sale along with the that 210 you bought.
Who knew! You should have bought the 210 and saved me a ton of work!
If I am not wrong... The ACIII has the same web functions as the ACIII Pro...
Brandon - I believe the only difference between the AC3 and the AC3 PRO is the PRO supports conductivity/dissolved oxygen monitoring and the AC3 supports a second ph probe (that the PRO doesn't apparently).

That is what I thought... So unless you need the O2. I would go with the ACIII over the pro and the RKE.
Xyzpdq0121;225962 wrote: That is what I thought... So unless you need the O2. I would go with the ACIII over the pro and the RKE.

I do not believe that RKs support ozone (O3) either, while ACIII and the Pro do monitor ORP.

The RKE has ORP probe connection (I'm not using it right now so I can't tell you how well it works.)