Reeflo Dart too big for 72g?


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I was given a reeflo dart and I was wondering if there is a way I can get this thing working on my 72 bow front setup. Its rated at 3600gph at 0 head pressure. My head pressure will be roughly 4 ft. I have a 1 inch drain bulkhead and 3/4 return. I have a 15-18g sump that would need to be drilled, I currently do not have a skimmer but diverting some flow to it would make sense. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
You could just trade it to me for a mag 18 I have sitting around.

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Def too big, even the mag 18 is too big, but you can always throttle back big need more like a mag 7 or 9 depending on your reactors or set up
I had a similar issue with my return pump being grossly overpowered in relation to my hob overflow.
I was able to solve the issue by splitting the return line and redirecting half of the flow back into the sump. Works great and having the extra ball valve really helped me nail down the perfect return rate.
I just installed one on my 180. I have it throttled back more than half. Probably only running it 40 %
Even splitting the return back into the sump, I think you're in WAY over what you can use. Personlly I'd sell/trade it for something that puts out in the 750gph range max.

Edit: Being an analogy guy I'd compare this to trying to drive a formula 1 car downtown atlanta during rush hour. Gonna be REAL tough...
Lol yeah thats a bit too much. I use one with 8 outlets on a closed loop on my 300 and its pushing sand around all over the place.
I spoke with reeflo and they suggested that I put a reeflo snapper impeller on there which would cost about $30. With my head pressure and valving that back a bit, do you think that would be a viable option? I can't really sell or trade since it was loaned to me to use essentially. Thanks for all the advice, you guys have been great.
You're still +2000gph unless you have a ton of head. You can try it, but I'd personally put that $30 towards another pump. You can find a wide variety or pumps that would be just fine for your application for around $75 new.
Bulkhead(s) wouldn't be able to handle gph . I have the same tank I used both drain and return as drains and plumbed the return externally . I started with a mag 12 but a 9 or 12 would be work. Eheim 1262 would be another nice pump also.