Reeflux 12/20k vs. Helios 20k (for SPS tanks)


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Roswell, GA
My AB 10k bulbs (250w, SE) are due for another change, and this time I would like to go to a blueish/white tint.

My current light setup turns most of the corals I buy to either green, yellow, or brown. For example, the ORA Tricolor Valida frag I bought was (obviously) three colors when I bought it, now it's one -- grayish brown. I want my next set of bulbs to be able to maintain the variety of colors that most LE frags have under 20k bulbs.

I'm worried the Reeflux 12k will not be much different than my current 10k bulbs. Also, the new Reeflux 20k's appear to wash out the coral colors with a blue hue, making all corals look pinkish blue regardless of their "true color."

The Helios 20k's look great over the display tank at Keen Reef, but that tank has 4x400w bulbs over a 6' tank. My tank is 4' long with 2x250 bulbs, so I'm worried the Helios won't be bright enough over my tank.

Of course, I'd like to maintain the growth I've been seeing on my frags, which has been "ok" over the last year with the AB 10k's. I understand as a rule of thumb growth is less with higher K bulbs.

Which bulb would I be happiest with, you think? I realize that is a personal preference kind of question, but these bulbs are expensive and I don't want to take a shot in the dark.

I do not have MH currently, but I can say that Reeflux 12ks are surprisingly more whitish blue than you would expect. I really liked the color when I had one. But if I was buying some right now today, I would try Helios. heard good things, and they look great in the tanks I have seen.
Why not try a Phoenix? I like the Helios and that is what I run. If I was worried about not being bright enough I would run the Phoenix. I do not know why they cost so much in single ended but I think you will like them. They are much brighter then the 12k reeflux but nice blue tint.

dawgdude;287079 wrote: Ive run all helios and reeflux 12k and the reeflux it looks similar to a 14k IMO. I have a 250w helios HQI and im getting great color and growth but it is over a 30 cube. I just put 2x250w se radium 20k on my 90 and really really like them. They are in lumen max reflectors and it really makes corals pop while maintaining PAR fairly well. Helios is slightly whiter than the radium though.

Are you running your Radiums on an HQI ballast? I have Icecap e-ballasts and I've read many many posts saying e-ballasts make Radiums too blue and dim. So, I'm not considering Radiums.

I'm also tossing out XM 20k because they look too violet/purple.

The $100 price tag on the Phoenix 14k bulbs annoys me...but people seem to swear by those bulbs. I'm just wondering if the recently released SE version is as good as the DE version that folks love so much?
my reeflux 12kks are BLUE. Look like 20KK on an eballast. I went with 10KK reefluxes, and the color is very white. I also heard good things about helios, but as mentioned, not on eballasts. Pheonix makes a SE bulb? where can they be purchased?
Marine depot but not for 400s. I think they are using the same inner envelope and just pt a glass shield around it to make a SE in 250 and 150 watt.

No thank you I am not that way. Not that anything is wrong with that way.:D

If they made 400s I would probably run one at least in the center of my display.


jmaneyapanda;287119 wrote: Well, up yours then!!! I need 400s!
I ran both Reeflux !0KK and 12KK, and I prefer the appearance from the 12KK, but the 10KK made the corals actually color pretty amazing. ridiculous blues. I have also been told theat the XMs are quite good also, but I am not sure. Decision decisions decisions.
I have the Reeflux 12k 400 watts on my tank and love them. They're the only halides I have ever used though so I might be a bit biased. :)
I like the color of the Blueline 14K's I have.

Not too white not too blue but bluer than white.

I think it's a pretty good balance.
Well after reading Reef Specialty's review of the new Reeflux 20k bulbs on their sponsor forum at Reef Central, I went with those. Tim @ Keen Reef put two on special order for me.

Hopefully I will have before/after shots of the bulbs next week when they arrive.

Take care-
RedEDGE2k1;289335 wrote: Well after reading Reef Specialty's review of the new Reeflux 20k bulbs on their sponsor forum at Reef Central, I went with those. Tim @ Keen Reef put two on special order for me.

Hopefully I will have before/after shots of the bulbs next week when they arrive.

Take care-

reef Specialty is a distributor for Coralvue, so I wouldnt put too much faith in their "review". A little biased, or at leats possibly so. I love Mike at R.S., but take it with a grain of salt.
jmaneyapanda;289358 wrote: reef Specialty is a distributor for Coralvue, so I wouldnt put too much faith in their "review".

Well he took comparison shots of all Reeflux bulbs (10, 12, 20K) as well as a comprehensive PAR comparison. The 20k has more par than the 12k, but less than the 10k. I also like the color of the 20k bulbs in his pictures, they're not purple like XM or dim like Radium on e-ballasts. It's white with blue, looks good to me.

I trust the review, especially since you can go to the website and see they replaced all of the Reeflux 12k's over their tanks with the new 20k's.

I'll let you guys know what I think of mine. They're supposed to be in Wednesday or Thursday.

RedEDGE2k1;289919 wrote: Well he took comparison shots of all Reeflux bulbs (10, 12, 20K) as well as a comprehensive PAR comparison. The 20k has more par than the 12k, but less than the 10k. I also like the color of the 20k bulbs in his pictures, they're not purple like XM or dim like Radium on e-ballasts. It's white with blue, looks good to me.

I trust the review, especially since you can go to the website and see they replaced all of the Reeflux 12k's over their tanks with the new 20k's.

I'll let you guys know what I think of mine. They're supposed to be in Wednesday or Thursday.


Cool, please do. I guess I misunderstood what he did. He did not "review" them as such (in my understand), but compared. That is valuable, but what I consider a review, would be a little sketchy. Show some pics when you get them. I am intereted.
I replaced my Aqualine Bushke 10k bulbs with the new Reeflux 20k bulbs today, and I'm really pleased with the new look. I wouldn't compare these to other 20k bulbs, because they're not dramatically blue like most 20k's. These bulbs are completely bluish white. My corals look SO much better underneath these bulbs vs. the old yellowish white AB 10k's.

Here are some pics, but I have to say these aren't very good representations of the way the color looks to the eye (for either bulb). I just have a point & shoot digital camera and this is the best I could get.

Before: Aqualine Buske 10k, bulbs about 9 months old
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After: Reeflux 20k, bulbs are brand new
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An update, I replaced my two T5 Actinic 03 bulbs with new Giessmann PowerChrome Actinic+ this past weekend and WOW...the tank rocks now. Those T5 bulbs make the corals look insane during the sunrise/sunset stage of my photoperiod. When the halides are burning in the middle of the day, they give a deeper blue hue to the tank. I highly recommend this bulb combo (Reeflux 20k halides with PowerChrome Actinic+ t5s)