Refugium Cleaning


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I think this might have been talked about before but I do not remember.

How often do you need to take everything out of your refugium and clean all the detritus out of it? Do you need to at all?
I don't at all... I have a small amount of bluelegs and snails down there that eat anything that falls or gets bast the sump and the the rest is eaten by the pods that I culture down there.
Cool, now I just need some crabs. But wouldn't the crabs eat some of the beneficial things in there?
If you want your populations of pods, amphipods, and mysid shrimp to flourish, I'd advise against adding anything that isn't a strict herbivore to a refugium. Enough things will develop that feed on the residents without adding larger predators.
The benefit of having a fuge is who cares what it looks like. The critters in the fuge should munch down on the detritus. As for the cyano in your fuge. Thats the best place for it to be. It is not going to hurt anything being in there.
Yeah but if the cyno is in there then when I get rid of it in the main tank won't it come back because there was still some in the Fuge? Or when I treat my tank will it also kill what is in the fuge?