

Well-Known Member
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Dacula, GA
So it seems I am short on space the way my cabinet is built for a larger sump. Is there any way I can put a refugium tank in the other side of the cabinet plumbed to the sump? Or any component like protein skimmer? Just trying to think things through. Thanks.
Plenty of options. You can run a stand alone refugium - how to plumb it depends on it's height, water level, horizontal location / orientation as compared to display tank &/or main sump.

You could run an external skimmer and/or external return pump to save space in your current sump.

You cold overflow into a refugium - which is then connected to the main sump which then returns water to the tank. Connection between refugium & sump can be bulkheads drilled through the sides of each and connected via PVC (diameter twice as large as return pipes and at least 2 of them) - or the refugium could be higher than the sump and gravity drain into the sump. What you want to avoid is trying to keep 2 pumps in sync volume wise - that's asking for a flood.

You could have a display refugium at the same height as your display tank - both drain into 1 sump and both are fed with just 1 single return pump - if you have the space this works very well IMO.

So - look at your space and think "how can I keep water flowing, using gravity and only 1 pump".

You could also do some sort of HOB refugium - although those tend to be way too small to do much good generally.

Some people just skip the skimmer and use nothing but a refugium area to export nutrients.
So if you have a refugium do you need a protein skimmer? None of this was part of my tank 30 yrs ago, still learning
Both skimmers and refugiums are optional and independent. And the skimmer should not be inside the refugium. That said, I agree, an oversized skimmer is highly recommended. And yes, I recommend both skimmer and refugium.

@lmm1967 covered options pretty well! On my first tank, a 75g, I had a similar predicament to yours. So I hard plumbed 2 pipes connecting my sump to a rigid-plastic storage bin, which I used as a refugium. I put a baffle on the end of the storage bin, and kept my return pump in that last section. It took me a couple days of fiddling with it to seal the leaks, given I had zero experience. But it worked great after that, and lasted several years before I upgraded my tank.
Unless you are doing triton method, you need a skimmer even with a refugium. If you are adding a display refugium make sure you have drain and emergency drain in case the macro blocks the drain.