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I just plumbed in my 22 gallon to my sump on my 37 gallon. My question is I really wanted this feeding into my main for pods. I want to keep bubbles down so I don't know really how I should have it feeding into it. I figure if I just put the hose from the overflow in my fuge into the display it would kick up a bunch of bubbles.
I've never done a gravity feed refugium to the display before, but my refugium does gravity feed to my sump/fuge. I imagine if you put a durso-esque attachment at the end of the tube it would allow air to escape upwards and thus not be forced into the display. Not sure if that's clear enough :p.
When I added my refugium I had the same dilemma. What I did was I kept the sump operating as before, and set up another overflow system for the refugium. So a small pump pumps water from the sump (at the main return side) to the refugium. Then a DIY overflow (using JBJ nanocube overflow boxes) returns the water back to the sump, near the pickup for the main pump. Using this type of setup, pods that grow in the refugium only have to travel through one pump- the main.
Oh, and if you'd like to elevate your refugium and have it feeding directly into your tank, you could submerge the return tube deep inside your display tank. If the flow is not too great, the bubbles will only travel so far down in the tube before they start to travel back up (inside the tube.)

I was thinking about that. But I had another idea like that too. I have a seaclone 150 that's is missing a collection cup I thought about using the inner tube as a down pipe and have it spilling into that so it would have to go down into the tube before it would have a chance to escape to the display. like having the clear tube go about 3/4 into the display just have to rig something to hold it up. The fuge water level is about 6-8 inches above the display level. I get nervous watching the water rock back and forth since I made my own stand. Its my first attempt so I didn't feel to bad. I can never get the base totally lined up so I have the shim it where the stand itself doesn't rock.
I have my fuge feeding directly into my tank, but I have the fuge drilled in the upper center portion of the side facing the display. The water spills over through a rigid PVC pipe into the tank.
Frewl;32052 wrote: Bryan
I have a seaclone 150 that's is missing a collection cup I thought about using the inner tube as a down pipe and have it spilling into that so it would have to go down into the tube before it would have a chance to escape to the display.

I like that idea- it should work well. Post some pics when it's done!