regal tang/dori question


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ok regal tang blue tang i have heard them called so many things but im referring to a "dori". I am going to be recieving one roughly the size of an average female adult thinking 4 inches??

My tank is an 80 gallon all params are good all coral frags recieved about a week or so ago are full blossom and loook great!!!

my water quality is fine and I'm going to drip acclimate but my question is this, with this fish being maybe 2 years old and 4 or so inches is it going to react with my current fish which are:

1 ebili angel....maybe 3 inches
1 fire fish.....about 2 inches (average LFS store size)
3 green cromis 1 inch each? (average LFS store size on these also)

also once i add the tang will i be able to add my 2 maroon clowns that i plan to get.......these 2 maroons will be the last 2 fish going in my tank.
the reason im buying the dori now is because its coming with a tank set up im buying. Otherwise i would add the maroons first and the tang later but i have planned to buy one of these and the set up its coming with is a great deal so im picking it up.

wanted to throw that out there just in case someone said why dont u wait for the dori and buy the maroons first
By maroons you meam Maroons clown right? You do not have another tang in your tank and the "dori" are shy fish so there are no proplem of when add it to your tank.

The maroon clown are not tang either so they all go their own way.
ok just wanted to make sure......yeah maroons i mean the maroon and gold bar clowns.....and your right she will be my only tang.

i had just heard before if you add a tang and then try to add fish after it that are smaller than the tang is then it can be nasty but i wasnt sure of that.
I will help you, as long as yuo NEVER EVER call that fish a "dory" again. That movie has ruined this culture!

Anyway, that fish will very quickly outgrow your tank. I dont see any immediate problems, but dont get too attached. They also have a bad habit of starting to nip at corals.
o i was thinking 4 foot tank size is ok for these guys.......haha yeah i know about the name i just was saying that so i could get across what type of tang i was receiving.....
jaydm93teg;186590 wrote: o i was thinking 4 foot tank size is ok for these guys.......haha yeah i know about the name i just was saying that so i could get across what type of tang i was receiving.....

i heard small ones can be kept in a 55 or more for a few years as they are slow growers, but thats what i was told, i dont know if its true