Rejoining the hobby- PC vs LED and anemone question


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Hello everyone,
I was an avid member of this group a few years ago and had a great tank set up. Unfortunately, I felt like I had to take it down because I was moving around a lot at the end of college. Now I have graduated, have a stable job and moved to Decatur. I started cleaning my 12g JBJ nano last night and I'm excited to get back in the hobby and this wonderful group.

I took apart the hood and found a corroded fan. I need two new ones and new lights. The stock bulbs are a dual daylight 27 watt and a dual actinic 27 watt. I have been doing lots of research and now my question is, should I just replace these things (about $70) or upgrade to a retrofit LED system (about $100 per strip)? Would it give me that much more advantage to keep higher-light needy life?

I am a fan of">Ecoxotic Panoramic 12W 8000K/453nm blue LED module</a> and it would fit in the hood. I like the closed top look better than open top tanks. It has great reviews about happy softies and some LPS on Marine Depot and [IMG]">a thread here</a> talks about Imagine Ocean retrofitting one and keeping a BTA. I know these are only 1 watt and not as powerful as the 3 watt CREEs over at nano tuners, but those are $400-600. I also know there is more to the science of reef lighting like Kelvin and PAR. I'm working on trying to understand those things. What about a clam? I mostly care about softies and LPS, but could I keep an anemone and/or clam under this LED strip? Would I need two?

There is also the [IMG]">Current LED</a> option, but I don't see much difference between it and the Ecoxotic.

I've always heard that anemones need more light than what PC bulbs can provide and that they should be kept with not a lot of other corals in a nano tank because they can sting everything else. BUT how does [IMG]">this guy</a> do it? He has the same tank that I do. I plan to get shrooms, gsp, pulsing xenia, frogspawn, etc. All of these things did great under the stock PC lights when I first had this tank going.

Thanks in advance for the advice!

Edit: Also, I have no idea how the guy's tank on YouTube is only 8 weeks old. I plan to go muuuuuuuch slower!