Reminder: Wear gloves when moving rock


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Scary stuff just saw this on reef central. Something similar happened to a member on the ARC about a year ago.

Wow thats crazy. I almost never used gloves at all in my 15+ years in the hobby. The two times I tried gloves they ended up torn and useless half way through cleaning my fuge. I have yet to see a set of thick rubber gloves either strong enough to stand up to the rocks or long enough to not get water/bits of stuff in them.

Even with bristle worm stings, a good hard scrub with soap and really hot water has always worked for far.
Pretty crazy. I just broke down my 150 and put back my new 150 (warranty tank) that's another story. Removed all my rock with no gloves moved dozens of zoas and got multiple cuts from my live rock. Still alive. Amazing what just the right cut with the right bacteria can do. Or I just ain't got time to bleed
Like a lot of us, I have a pair of those "up to my armpit gloves" and never use them. I'm thinking that I will when moving rock from now on!
I wear coralife gloves when moving rock I think everyone many times i have had my fingers swell up three times there normal size or itch for days because of bristle worms.
Hell I found a bristle work last night while cleaning my frag tanks. Tweezers and some hot water and not even itching today.

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My fingers have resembled that more often than I can count. 13 years in the trade, I moved TONS of rock (literally). Never wore gloves. Never got infection. I know bunches of maintenance people, who have never had a problem either.

It does happen - it's rare, but it's a calculated risk. Tanks are full of all kinds of gnarly bacteria.

So is the ocean. So are lakes and rivers... look at the young woman who got flesh eating bacteria and lost a leg a few years ago, after a spill in a creek while zip-lining...

It likely has as much to do with the individual's immune system, as it does with what nasties live on the rocks. If your immune system is on the weak side - you get sick often, it's probably prudent to wear gloves, especially if you already have broken skin (even from something like a paper cut).

BTW - vinegar works wonders on bristles ;)

Fire coral is the worst. I don't wish that on my worst enemy. You can get the whole arm gloves like the coral life ones at harbor freight for like 5-10 bucks. They look exactly the same.
Oh you are so right about fire coral. I have felt the burn on that. Owwie.