Remote Apex


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Ok guys, so a move is going to happen. It will be a great time to restart my tank, but I need remote access. Is Apex Fusion up and working yet? Is it reliable? Where do I get it? Thanks,
I had one little blib in fusion over the holiday weekend but I could still get it through the app and old access dashboard. I really haven't used fusion too much. All my coding transferred over and when I just want to check my temp quickly I'll open the old app up. I don't think they have a fusion based app yet.
Its an amazing upgrade. It really reduces the amount of programming to charted adjustments for pumps and lights. It will take you a little of time to get adjusted to the layout. There is still a few things I haven't figured out how to do in Fusion that I go back to my desktop to get done. Make sure you use a wired connection to completed the upgrade. Otherwise, many people have reported bug issues when updating. Its completely cloud based so you can access it across any platform.
I love fusion for remote access opposed to the old way. Don't have problems anymore with email alerts or controls.