Remote saltwater station


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Seeking out advice for those that have saltwater mixing stations. I plan on setting up a "remote" station and running two 3/4" tubes over to my sump (one to my RODI reservoir) through the ceiling for fresh and saltwater. An additional 3/4" tube will run from the sump and tie into to a 1/2 bath sink drain where I would drain water from the tank for water changes.

My intention is to automate water changes and the refilling of my ATO. Or at the very least have a no bucket solution.

Any thoughts on this or success/failure stories?General advice or criticism is welcome too!

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If you want to make it nearly foolproof,
1) use something like the Tunze USA 8555.000 RO Water Controller to control your RODI going into your main storage tank. This will stop the RODI from making continuous small amount of RODI water, which is not good for it. You can plumb your ATO directly to the main reservoir this way.
2) for the auto water changes, use something like a Stenner dual head peralistic pump, one head puts SW into the tank, the other takes out an equal amount of waste water. This can be controlled with a simple timer.
3) Of course you'll need a controller.
I've seen the set up you trying to do implemented in different member tanks, some will avoid the saltwater disposal down in their drains due to different sewage treatment or configuration. About the fill up and having a direct line for replenishing water you want to prevent any disaster, it could happen, it had happened to some of us, try to be over safety by using sensors combined with float sensors and switches to avoid any overflow, leaks and water spills, like its been said, I would recommend apex or any other device that has water detection sensors, like the "Waterbug" sensors or the ones from apex.
Take in mind that your water running lines are protected against any weather inclement issue, one thing it was forgotten here in GA was to protect and insulate pvc water pipes in and out of the house... in the last freezing temperatures that were here some home owners have lots of water damage in their properties due to pipes busted ( I personally have to help a friend to move damaged furniture from the whole house because one pipe busted in the second floor damaging second and first level)
Good luck with your build and pls post pics of it, people would be more enthusiastic of offering advice when they see the actual pics, some will take ideas from you too.
Thanks for the advice guys. I plan on posting pictures once the location when the tank is going to be set up is complete. It's a 265 marine land 7' tank.

A few have suggested using a doser for continuous AWS using something like an apex dos unit. Thoughts on this?



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Personally I would go with the peristaltic pump. As its built for continous use. The dos is only meant for short term dosing. If you use it continously you will need to replce the heads aprox every year.
A dual head Stenner is bullet proof.
Albeit a bit loud, but it's not on long and it does not need to be near the tank.
Contact me privately on Stenner products if you are looking for them.

When I've done a fresh/saltwater station we've put the fresh vat on top, and the salt below. Then a spigot to run fresh into the lower vat to make saltwater, and a float valve on the top vat to have a fresh reservoir that automatically shuts off the RO when filled.

Hope that makes sense...