Remote sumproom pipe length


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I am lookng yet again to setup a remote sump room where I will handle wc's for my salt and freshwater tanks, apex, gfo, fuge, qt, frag tank etc. The room is already setup with wc station, sink, all my misc supplies, and a door to the garage The room is a long distance from the DT which does concern me a bit but I believe I have it worked out. Calcs show I need 2 inch pvc to retain a low pump head on the DT to sump run for 1000 gph. I would like to compare to someone that has had a long run of pipe to see if I am missing any important elements before I start the piping since the run being so long.

What is the longest distance anyone has run from their DT to sump?

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I have 4x 1.5" lines that go about 12' down and 20' across, 3 drains and 1 pump return.

You will want to get a Fischer Wye (Y) valve to put above your return pump, and also a ball valve above that to be able to turn off the gravity fed water.

The Wye valve prevents that tall column of water in the pipes from backflowing through the pump.

I use a hefty Reeflo Hammerhead pump, it's a pressure pump. When I turn it off, you can hear the Wye valve audibly go *thunk* when the weight of the water closes the valve.
My sump is about 40 feet away and 15 feet below my display.  I run it off a 1" supply and three 2" returns(bean animal style, which I highly recommend) flowing somewhere around 700gph. For vertical distance, just get a pressure pump sized for what you need.  For horizontal.  At 1000 gph I doubt you would be able to notice a difference of a 1" pipe vs a 2" pipe unless its more than 200 feet.

Just stick with at least 2" for all drains and on the pressure side make sure the pipe is twice the size of the pump outlet(or one pipe size up for dart type pump).

Dont overthink things too much here.  Being +/- 20% on flow wont matter.

Oh and those Fischer Wye's are great, but get a spare you can swap out because you will need to soak it in vinegar at least twice a year to keep it working.  Actually thats true for any check valve.
Thanks for the input!  I am on hold briefly while we remodel or move, so I will be waiting a bit until we make the final decision.  The total length of run is 87 feet but the tanks will be on the same floor of the house and I would like to keep everything more or less handled at the sump room.  A 2" pipe should give me less than 12 inches of head in each direction, so I can pump from a frag/qt tank up to a high refugium  in the sump room so my pods, etc. will not have to run through a pump.  I have had the 2 inch pipe and 6 LR bends for each run on hand for a few months now and am just waiting to verify we will still be here for a while before I invest the time to install.  I may consider dropping in size to make the project easier, but I am trying to set it up for my future 6 or 8 foot 240+ gallon dream tank.

I am planning to build a low point into the supply and return so I can drain them and am considering a short run of vertical pipe from the low point of each to a valve so I can catch any remove debris in the pipe.  Would the low point drain and catch be overkill or cause problems?