Remove and Prevent phone and address from posts.


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Have seen the recent scam activity and as a software developer personally I know that you cannot stop all fraudulent activity and it's a never ending battle. It does sound like there are some measures that can be taken to prevent the current scam where users are getting text messages to their phone pretending to be the seller. You can scrub all posts and remove or redact phone numbers. All new posts can be validated to prevent or redact phone numbers in post content. I'm not sure if there is a plug in for this forum software to prevent the phone number entry but it is similar to an obscenity filter but using a phone number regular expression to validate/ invalidate. I'm glad to help with this if this is a path the leadership would like to take.
humans are well adept at putting their private information online, bypassing any regex filtering with creative use of spaces or spelling out numbers.

it annoys users more than anything else - and if someone is gonna put their actual live phone number on a forum, they'll find a way to do so anyway.

blocking access to sales forums to anyone other than registered and/or supporting members is the best solution in all reality.