Removing GSP


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So I have GSP growing in my overflow. It’s starting to block the overflow slits. Can I just cut it with an exacto knife and pull it off? I assume that would be the easiest way to remove it?
Yeah I just slice a line across whatever height I want it at and peel off everything above that line. If you're careful you can get it off in one piece but newer growth may be thin and easy to tear

Also it's easier to peel off of clean surfaces. If it grew over coralline algae it's harder to peel
Cool. I don’t think it grew over any coralline. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow.
I use and old scraper on my overflow since the stuff has grown over coralline. It's a little hard to get off but it comes. You can also use a stiff toothbrush and scrape it back. It's a bit messier but it works. The biggest problem I have is letting it get way too carried away before I do anything about it. By the time I actually engage with it, I end up needing a few different approaches! You know what, I may go scrape some back right now...