Replacing leaking sump


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We need to replace our 55 gallon sump since it has sprung a small leak. When we do that, how do we move the sand from the old sump to the new without creating an ammonia spike in the system?
I don't think you can prevent the spike. Once you disturb the sand, you're stirring up everything it contains.

2 nights ago, one of my fish decided to dig a bed in the sand all the way down to the glass in one corner. The nitrates spiked really high for 24 hours, though the ammonia only went up slightly.

Perhaps it would be better just to replace the sand with new?
Years ago I tried to re-use gravel in a freshwater 30 w/undergravel. After trying to Rinse, rinse, rinse I ended purchasing new gravel and using a few cups of the old to kick start the bio again. I did save the gravel and soaked it in bleach water for a few days and let it dry out. I used it for another tank setup on some later project. Worked fine fine that way. Rinsing and hoping you got the grunge out is not worth the time or money when you need it now !!!
It depends how deep and how old that sand band is. Also, how healthy. But it wouldn't hurt to just get some live sand somewhere and seed it with a little from the sump.
this is why i don't like DSBs. disconnect the sump from the tank before disturbing the sandbed, then either rinse the old stuff really well or start out with new, or just go BB in the new sump to avoid further issue.