RESOLVED Everything is "Private" when not logged in...

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I was messing with the Unregistered/Unconfirmed permissions yesterday. It's odd how those settings carried over as they are only for guests. No one that is Registered should be a members of that group. Should work now.
@lmm1967 I can't start any conversations. That message shows for me when I go to inbox and click start a conversation. Otherwise the option to start a conversation is just missing for me when looking at someone's profile.
Right now I still don't have the option to start a conversation. So yes, when I'm logged in.
My wife confirmed that on her account it does the same thing. Can't start a new conversation. I imagine its the same for all regular members.
Sorry for the confusion, I guess I should've started a new thread with this start conversation issue. The forums being marked private is a separate issue that is now corrected.
We were messaging the past several days and our conversation / pms disappeared from yesterday. Im sure if that might help with figuring out the issue.
Are you talking to me Adam? I just tried... same thing. Can't start any private conversations. It's a permission thing according to the message.
Are you talking to me Adam? I just tried... same thing. Can't start any private conversations. It's a permission thing according to the message.
Log out and then back in.

I just ran an analyzer on your permissions and current setting show this....

Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 11.40.02 AM.png
Hi Brett, Are you having this issue too? That zero is a default that applies to everyone other than BoD.
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