RESOLVED Location, location, location...

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As soon as we upgrade the XF software to 2.0 all initial threads posted in the two sales forums will require a location and a price. The system will not allow the post to be processed without those fields. That capability is not available in this version of the software. We are having a BoD meeting tonight and we'll have a better idea of when we will be processing the upgrade and an announcement will be posted.

In the mean time we did update the Posting rules and it's only been viewed 49 times... We also posted about the rule change in the Announcement forum, that's had 46 views.
With the new update and other things we have going on it's tough to moderate too. Anyone can feel free to remind the OP of the rules and we'd appreciate the help. We hope to be making the upgrade soon though. Just don't ask what soon means... yet ;)
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