RESOLVED. more emojis

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yeah... we need some better emoji's than this. why is there no LOL or ROFL emoji? How am I suppose to express that I'm really laughing my A off??

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I agree, we definitely need some better options emoji wise!

Yes, I know this is old. (I’d put an lol emoji here, but the one we have just doesn’t work)

I figured out how to add emojis. Tell me what y'all want and I'll attempt to make it work.
Only admins can add emoji’s. @Shawn was working on it a while back, hence the gigantic laughing emoji
Haha that’s funny. Ok. Maybe in the future. I guess I could always get on the Facebook ARC and express my emojiness.
New emojis have landed with the website update! They work on Iphone and Android. Y'all don't be going crazy with them now :p
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