RESOLVED Website speed

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Is there a special trick to get the website to respond with any quickness? It seems to be very sluggish...
We were optimizing our database this evening and ran into a few issues. The speed was slowed down as a result.  It should be back to normal now.  We apologize for any inconvenence.
Hopefully this optimization helps... but I've seen this for awhile and just not said anything.

Like every website.  You speeds will vary dependant on your connection.  Are you in your home computer or cell phone?  I msy be able t give you a few pointers on speeding up your connection.   Pm me and I see what I can do to help.   We are hosted on the Amazon S3 Servers which are the highest data transfer rates in the world.
Ive been on different connections and different devices... obviously not all connections/devices are equal.

If no one else see's this then its obviously just me.
Sorry I wasn't trying to be a pain... I just hadn't spent much time if any on the new site and didn't know if everyone else knew some special trick I had missed.
I tend to agree that the speed is a problem.  Especially when submitting a post or responding to a message.  It takes a good amount of time to submit.  Often I end up double posting or hitting the button again because I'm not sure if the first one even took...  Might be useful to have a graphic show that it is processing the request like a lil spinner or something.

Overall though, I like the new design and there are some nice features that have been built in.
We will be changing over to a new hosting company in the next few weeks.  It is a cloud based service and will speed everything up.  Stay tuned for more info.  :)
Did the switch take place?  Submitting a post should not be taking this long.  The other actions seem acceptable to me in speed.
We havent moved over to the cloud service yet.  They are finalizing the data transfer and finishing up our contract before the move.  Shoukd be very soon.
It was brought to my attention that if the site in general has good speed but posting is slow there is something in the backend causing that lag. This may or may not be improved upon with a faster server and connection for the forums host. It's in the software so a better server will help some but there will still be lag. A faster connection itself will do little good for this.

We need to find out where the issue is in the software. I know, easier said than done... but that is were the problem is.
I would agree with anit’s assessment. I will run some tests in the developer mode of chrome or Firefox and see mean times for when you hit submit and it actually goes through. I don’t think it is going to be on the hardware or connection side because I don’t think a site that isn’t as active as most would have a tremendous demand issue. It has to do with either the database calls or something along those lines
@anon28342, Thanks for your willingness to share your skill set in looking at this issue for us. Please post back up your findings. Thanks~
See below for a few basic tests I ran in March.

1. The ARC logo is over 2Mb – should be reduced WAY down – developer  should be able to do that.
2. The boss template is returning 404 errors in the background.
alt="image001" />

3. The server is creating most of the slowness – see below. My browser was just sitting and waiting for something to come back for a majority of the time – that’s the big long green line.

alt="image002" />

4. The wait time is NOT internet or network delay.  Round trip time between my machine and the site is good & my internet is outrageously fast for home service. My download speeds are over 900 Megabits per second.
PING ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=52 time=36.856 ms

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64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=52 time=36.649 ms

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