Restricting AC Pump Flow


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East Cobb
Can I do it using a ball valve without damaging/destroying the pump? Wondering if I will overheat it.
Yes, this is very common. I split my return pump in 2. One goes back to the display while the other goes back to the first chamber of my sump, each with a ball valve. The first one is tuned down to about 40% while the second is down to about 60%. This keeps the pump almost at full capacity while maintaining proper flow. If anyone has any better suggestions please lmk, but this has worked well for me.
Or, put two T’s, one on output one on input, with a gate valve (or ball valve, but more difficult to control) between the T’s & thus form a recirculating loop.

I’ve used this to regulate the output of dosing pumps down to under a drip per second.

Or, as mentioned, return the variable bypass to the source container. Either design will work.
Most ac pumps you can safely restrict up to 75% on the output side. You just don’t ever want to restrict your pump from the intake side, this can cause cavitation in the volute and ruin the impeller faster.

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Yes, this is very common. I split my return pump in 2. One goes back to the display while the other goes back to the first chamber of my sump, each with a ball valve. The first one is tuned down to about 40% while the second is down to about 60%. This keeps the pump almost at full capacity while maintaining proper flow. If anyone has any better suggestions please lmk, but this has worked well for me.
Glad to hear this works 9ts how I have my 180 sump setup haven't used it yet but my thoughts were correct atleast

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