Retro kit reflector

seedless reefer

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I hope this weekend I can start construction on my hood.

I have 2 250w MH and 2 T12 VHO actinics. The MH have the reflectors but the T12's do not.

Today I was at a CVS and noticed the way they light the store using bulbs and mirrors. Would a mirror not work better than sheet metal?

Anyone use mirrors as reflectors?
Not all metal reflectors are equal. It is hard to believe but "good" reflective metals works better than mirrors. I used mirror before and it worked better than no reflector at all, and probably better than some metals especially when if compared to oxidized metals.

Side note if you get creative with reflector fabrication be carefully. i lost some fingers making reflectors. i wish i would have just bought reflectors.
do not use a mirror, you would be better off using roof flashing you jerry's kid!
Using a mirror the light has to travel through the glass to then get reflected and then back through the glass. This will cause a lose of the colors (wavelengths) that you are trying to get.