Return manifold question


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Have a question. I'm supplying 3 Avast MR5's from a manifold from my return any one see any issues running the reactor outputs to a manifold before returning to sump?
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Do you mean returning to display tank? My system also have three manifold off main pump. Im running one line for phosban reactor from manifold (sometimes two reactor off one line) and one manifold line to my 30 gallon display refugium and last one to my calcium reactor. I assume the reactors will hqve different flow rates? I dont see a problem as long as your suppling pump is strong enough to give adequate flow thru the reactor and enough to run as return to main display. Your manifold looking nice. MY manifold is all different size.
Think people are misunderstanding my question sorry I'm not good with explaining things I'm not sure on. I'm looking at 2 mainfolds one with union ball valves for supplying reactors then having the reactors outputs into a second manifold before returning to sump. Will be running gfo, carbon and pellets.

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Ah cool. I i dont see why not. BRS dual reactor is kinda made that way. Only thing i'll be concern is the flow rate to the reactors usely need to be adjusted so you will have some time to work out the best flow thru the reactors and to second manifold. carbon, gfo, and pellets all need to have proper flow thru. Too strong flow to bio pellet will cause red cyano because bacterial broom. Too strong flow thru gfo will grind the particles and carbon will also need to have slow flow or it will also grind and go into your tank...
All reactors will have their own adjustable supply and individual outputs they will all just t into one pipe before returning to sump. I'm thinking if I return to sump a lot of the return water will have a chance to go back thru reactors meaning more skim and media time. My bio reactor is recirculating not sure if that makes a difference.

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I dont see the purpose of the second manifold, unless you have the 2nd manifold output reconnected to the 1st manifold somehow. In this case it will recirculate over and over but Im not sure if I make sense. lol And your media mmight wear out faster. This im not sure either.
If 2nd manifold is just dumping the water back to the sump, isnt it like not having it the same. Sorry if i dont understand. I thought the 2nd manifold will have other things connected eventually.

Your bio pellet reactor outlet should be going into your skimmer i think.
The second reactor will just return all the water to the sump trying to get it from a to b as neat as possible. Sorry I'm terrible at explaining things. You should have been with me at the plumbing store asking for thingamajigs and you the know the thing that does that.

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well, least it will dilute the waters coming out from the each reactor before it is again circulated. i like to see how it works out. hope other members can chime in. :)
Thanks for the input. I greatly appreciate it.

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The way I'm understanding your explanation I see nothing wrong with the setup you are going for. I love me some true union valves! =)