Reverse Ccyle Lighting Reef/Sump?


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I have done a lot of reading lately on reverse cycle lighting for the reef & sump. It seems that it definitely has some advantages, but there is not much on disadvantages. I was just wondering what experience everyone has had if you are doing the reverse cycle lighting? Advantages/disadvantages? Thanks in advance!

Need to Spell check before I hit post! Reverse Cycle Ligthing Reef/Sump?
there is no disadvantage that I know of, except what ever marco algea you might have would have to be trimmed back quite often if it goes sexual with light.
I would not do a reverse light cycle with Caulerpa but with Chaeto it is great. No disadvantage that I can report. The PH stays steady, the Oxygen levels seem to stay up, Everything is peachy king. I would recommend it for anyone not using Caulerpa, that is really the only one that runs the risk of going sexual easily. (If you utilize Caulerpa I recommend a 24 hour lights on policy)
If I put Cheato in my sump should I remove all the LR? There is not much room for both, the LR could be moved to my 55GAL sump easily. All that would remain would be 2 inch LS and the Cheato, smart idea or not? I know I would have to slowly remove the LR not to stress the reef. I have a 96W Actinic only light on the sump now, its that the right light ofr Cheato or do I need to get a 50/50? Thanks for the help!
Chaeto will do fine with LR in your sump. It does not attach to anything. If it gets too crowded you might want to move a bit out but I like having extra LR in my fuge/sump. As far as the lighting, I have never tried to "grow" chaeto under a Actinic bulb but I do not see why it will not work. I would try it and see how it does. It is hard to kill Chaeto, it just might not grow as fast (which might not be a bad thing).
Reverse lighting will not have any adverse effects on caulerpa. All you are doing it rotating a normal lighting period by plus or minus 12 hours. It will still have a dark period, just during the day. The claim of going "sexual" is not really 100% accurate, either. I forget where I read it, but the caulerpa does not release gametes into the water for porcreation. It simply vacates all of it's "guts" into the water. This has been theoreticized to be stimulated by extensive light periods (ie- 24 hours/day), but none yet proven.
IMO chaeto will not grow with 50/50 lighting or with actinics only. you need to buy a flood bulb from home depot with around 2700-6500k.Best thing i have found so far,makes it grow like weeds.heres a link to the one i have which is 5100k.scroll down the page a bit and you will see it.

46bfinga wrote: IMO chaeto will not grow with 50/50 lighting or with actinics only. you need to buy a flood bulb from home depot with around 2700-6500k.Best thing i have found so far,makes it grow like weeds.heres a link to the one i have which is 5100k.scroll down the page a bit and you will see it."></a>[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link on that. I was wondering about a new light for down in my fuge and I think this will do it for me.
Thanks for that link, I just just about to post a new thread asking about it. Ive hade my chaeto for about 3 months now and its done noting, now the edges are turning white. All Ive got above it is a standard light bulb. Do you think getting one of those flood lights would solve the problem?
izib wrote: Thanks for that link, I just just about to post a new thread asking about it. Ive hade my chaeto for about 3 months now and its done noting, now the edges are turning white. All Ive got above it is a standard light bulb. Do you think getting one of those flood lights would solve the problem?

im sure it wouldnt hurt.