Reverse Timer


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Does anyone know where I can get a reverse timer like the ones they have to turn lights on in bathrooms or store rooms with a turn knob up to 60 minutes but in reverse? I want to turn the knob and power is shut off until the time runs out and then power in restored. I need one for my return pump to cut it off and not forget to turn it back on. I am currently using a timer that has pins. I only have the "on" pin in it and I use the timer to turn off the pump and set the pin for about 30 minutes to come back on. It would be nice to turn a knob to 30 mins. I turn off my return when I feed my corals so they have time to eat before everything goes to my sump.
Yes, I thought about doing that, but those timers are made to stay on for 30mins or so. I don't know if they would burn up or what, if left on for 3 or 4 days striaght.
I haven't seen a consumer product that works as described, but I have seen electronic circuit boards that do. I've been tempted to build something, but haven't made the time yet. I'd like to delay the return pump and also delay my skimmer so it starts up 5 minutes after the return pump kicks in. If the sump level is high when the skimmer powers up it'll flood with water and dump all the skimmate back into the sump.

Here's an example of a board...but frankly I'll probably move to an RKII or ACjr before I get around to building a module..."></a>

Maybe someone has a link the product that we're looking for...
Barbara;158216 wrote: Here ya go."></a>

And according to this, HD and Ace hardware carry this brand.


(Look under "Find a Retailer")[/QUOTE]

Close, but no cigar! :D (I dunno....was something that my dad used to say!)

Anyway, the industrial timers may work, but they're not exactly plug and play consumer devices. And the Intermatic timers I've seen at HD have all been delayed off (they shut off your closet light after x minutes), not delayed on.
That's what I was thinking also, but I thought is was just me not being able to find reverse timers on those sites. :yes:

Still on the hunt. I'm sure someone makes them.
tracy you should invest in a controller you can set it on feed mode and should shut down the pump.....worth it imho
Defiantly. One day I'll have a controller, but right now the budget won't let me. (and no, Budget is not her real name :unsure: )
I seen that also Barbara, and thanks for the sites, but I couldn't find out which one they where. I looked at a lot of the specs and none said Reverse. I don't know.
Yes, Thanks.
It seems as if it is safe to mod the ones they sell at HD. I might try it.
I'm not sure I trust in my house, let alone someone else's house. I get one, take it apart and see if I trust the connectors. I'll let you know if it works. :unsure:
If that doesn't work, you could wire any "delay off" timer to a 120V relay and get the desired result. Let me know if you are interested and I can draw you up a wiring diagram...