ricordia ?


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I have a blue ricordia shroom that has grown about three extra green mouths some time within the last couple of weeks... is it going to split up or just continue to get bigger and bigger?
What are you feeding it? I just got a bunch of ricordea in the group buy, a and I really haven't figured out what to feed them yet. I drop cyclopeeze on them and they react a little but don't seem super enthusiastic.
One of my blue ones has 3 green mouths as well. My silver one is splitting to two mouths, and one my orange/blues one has 2 mouths, one of which is slowly moving to the edge.

I feed my tank with a turkey baster, and I make sure to aim the baster at the rics during feedings (my firefish hang out in the rocks right behind them, so it makes it easy). I often see them catch a piece or two, but have never actually seen them eat.
so will these rics split up into individuals or just continue to grow?
I've seen a couple of mine snag a mysis at the edge and literally 'walk' it over to it's mouth and swallow it whole before, blew my mind! I bought one a couple of months ago with 2 mouths figuring it would split soon after i got it. It has yet to split into two and has since formed a third mouth. I figure if it splits it splits, if not, as long as it's happy and growing no big deal.
I have one with 8 mouths and it is over a year old. Personally i've never seen one split. That being said I have split many.
I have one that I told Chris looks like a nudi. (Got it from him at FishScales, btw!) It's got six mouths. I couldn't bear to cut it, but some of the other may go under the knife now!
Fish Scales2;314534 wrote: The largest on is Green, orange an blue $40 and another is Orange with some Blue $35

Do you regularly have them in stock that size? LFS here charges $20 for nickel/quarter sized, single mouth, single color rics.