Rikka Saltwater Tests - dkh, Ca, Mg (Around $15!)


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I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the cheap test kit on Amazon, saw a post on R2R but not much info on it. At $15, I thought what the hell. I have the Salifert test kits already but like having the backup set.

- Tests are same basic procedures: drops, scoop of reagents, drop some more and swirl. Color change is very evident.
- Negative side: The bottles aren't great droppers, though - a little messy. Maybe they don't need to be shaken up.
- Math is involved... but nothing you can't setup in Excel!

Schwagg's readings on my water test a month ago (various kits)
Alk: 7.7
Ca: 450
Mg: 1275

Salifert from 10/14
Alk: 7.3
Ca: 440
Mg: 1380

Rikka tests from 10/28
Alk: 7.2
Ca: 460
Mg: 1524

Fairly close readings. I'll do a 1:1 test at end of the week after a water change to do a full comparison.

IMG_4248.jpeg IMG_4249.jpeg
Note: this is $15 for all three tests in a single kit. Not each test. $5 per test kit.