rio hf6 ??? opinions


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do you guys have any experience with these?? ive always heard that rio was crap and said i would never use them but now that im going with the nanos ive heard that this pump has more gph than the maxi 1200 and runs around 15 watts. thats lower than the maxi and should put of less heat.

ive always heard the issue with the rio's is the they burn out and the pump leaks oil into the tank. this of course is no good and ,like i said, i have no experience with them. any comments would be appreciated. thanks
Dorian, I don't know about the hf6, but I recently had a Rio 1100 Plus pumping water to my refugium. One day the pump stopped working, so I took it apart but found nothing physically wrong with it. When I put it back together it worked fine. Then it quit on me two more times so I replaced it with a dfferent pump. I think it might have failed prematurely, though, because I had the flow restricted by about 1/2.
thanks for the info. ive always heard they were crap but all these nano guys are switching. maybe the size??