RIP ultimate fairy wrasse.


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So I'm in my office goofing off on the computer when my alpha dog romps in happily with something in his mouth... He drops it at my feet and here I am thinking he brought me another toy to throw... until a wet thing flops a bit on my foot. To my horror its my pink margin fairy wrasse gasping for breathe... I grap it and tumble down the stairs and throw it in the fuge... sadly an hour later he takes his last breath. He had some bite marks on him, but it wasn't bad... my dog was as gentle as he could be. I think I got him back in the water in time but the stress of the ordeal and his injuries seemed to have done him in. Its really too bad because he was one of my first saltwater fish and had a wonderful personality, for a fish.|1977|1992|0|0&id=43140">|1977|1992|0|0&id=43140</a>&

I got him for 40... how do they expect to sell them for 299? :P
Funny that the dog brought it to you. Ya kind of wonder if he was wanting to play or trying to save the fish.

Sad that you lost such a beautiful fish.
Thanks guys, I appreciate your sympathy. Pinky was a helluva fish.

As for the dog, he's my favorite of the 4 dogs we have. I always thought he had some sort of retriever blood in his veins and this kind of verifies it.
Hmmm... didn't know about the flea meds, but that makes sense. I do have a canopy for the tank, like an idiot, I contributed to pinky's death by leaving it open that morning...
Fairy wrasses are the best...sorry to hear about your loss. Try egg crate--it works great, still allowing the light through and if you break it up into sections, easily removed for feeding.