RK2 vs. AC3


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Now that we have essentially two power buys on these, has anyone used both and can offer an opinion on the Reefkeeper 2 vs. the Aquacontroller 3 (not pro)?
<span style="color: black;">The AC3 is a much more powerful controller than the RK2, but there is also large difference in price. If you are just looking for a simple aquarium controller with graphing features and good looks the RK2 is great for the price. If you are looking for maximum controllability the AC3 is the controller to go with. The AC3 is able to control more devices and the programming is more powerful.</span>
For a more head-to head comparison look at the AJjr package with a DC8 vs. the RKII. For a similar price, you get the extra ability with the ACjr to controll up to 12 outlets instead of just 8 (by adding a DC4). Also, the ACjr. has an anti-histeriosis program that keeps your heaters, fans, chillers, lights, Co2, etc. from turning on and off rapidly if the temp or pH fluctuates right around your set point. I don't think the RKII has that feature (I run both on two different tanks), but someone correct me if I'm wrong...
Price is a big difference, I see. An AC3 decked out with an 8 socket controller and pH and Temp probes will run me $470 after the 20%.

I think I'm after the data logging and reporting more than I'm after the controlling. Anyone know if data can be pulled from the AC3 or AC Jr via the serial port on either or the Ethernet port on the AC3? Cameron?
Data logging is available via the serial port on the ACjr and ethernet port on the AC3. Like I said, definitely a huge difference in price between the AC3 and the RKII, but that's totally apples to oranges. The difference in the RKII and ACjr w/ DC8 is negligible, and a much fairer comparison in my opinion...
I have the AC Jr and I like it. I have been looking at getting either a new AC Jr or the RK 2 so I am very interested in this as well. As far as the heater, fans or whatever cycling on and off when the temp is right at the set point... I just make it easy: Set the heater to come ON at Temp less than 78.1 Then heater to go OFF at Temp greater than 79.4 You can set a similar program for the fan or fans as well. This way the range allows the unit to not cycle back and forth. I know that with the AC Jr there is a program that you can tell it MAX Change = 1-15 minutes (you select the time). This way the heater has to wait XX number of minutes before it is allowed to come back on.Does the RK 2 have this as well??I hope that I did not confuse everyone. :)
Ya the RKII Vs. The ACjr is a fair comparison... I have been looking at both for quite some time. I LOVE the look for the RKII but if you want function over form, go with the ACjr. If they both were free (Read: money not being an option) I think I would take the RKII over the AC just because I like the look and right now the functions of the RKII is all I need. But I know me and know that another bigger tank is in my future within a few years. So if I was going to pay for one, I would choose the ACjr just because it can do more when/if I need it to! I would just hide the thing under my cabnet because it looks like my old 7th grade lab equipment!
Here's the price breakdown:
ACjr backlit + ph and temp probes + DC8 + serial port + new cool black design = (about) $290 - 20% discount = $230

RK2 + pH and temp probe + DC8= $270

Am I missing something here? I don't see it as a very hard choice....
Xyzpdq0121;34121 wrote: I would just hide the thing under my cabnet because it looks like my old 7th grade lab equipment!

I agree. That's the main reason I didn't choose it over the RK2, but I'm now starting to warm up to the ACIII.
One thing about the Aquacontroller 3 is that it can control 24 different items and It has the ability with the PX 1000 to monitor PH and Orp on 7 additional aquariums.
jessezm;34122 wrote: Here's the price breakdown:
ACjr backlit + ph and temp probes + DC8 + serial port + new cool black design = (about) $290 - 20% discount = $230

RK2 + pH and temp probe + DC8= $270

Am I missing something here? I don't see it as a very hard choice....

It's more than just about price. I've owned both the RK1 and RK2 and the ACIIPro, and the RK series were much easier to install and use, and were much more reliable. The AC series had much more programability, but at the end of the day, the RK2 did everything I needed it to.
Also, have a look at this chart:

mojo;34165 wrote: Also, have a look at this chart:


Great link Chris... Thanks +1
mojo;34164 wrote: It's more than just about price. I've owned both the RK1 and RK2 and the ACIIPro, and the RK series were much easier to install and use, and were much more reliable. The AC series had much more programability, but at the end of the day, the RK2 did everything I needed it to.
I agree that the RK2 does all that I need it to, so I am leaning to flipping my initial comment and sticking with the RK2 since the last thing I want is something I have to slave away at to get it to work right.

Chris, what did you find about the RK2 that made it more reliable or the AC2 less reliable? Is it something that might have been fixed in the AC3/Jr?

One of the big issues is the accessibility of the data on the system and the RK2 serial stream is a cinch to grab. Does anyone have any experience grabbing the raw data from the AC3/Jr?
George;34194 wrote: Chris, what did you find about the RK2 that made it more reliable or the AC2 less reliable? Is it something that might have been fixed in the AC3/Jr?

I had a lot of problems with my AC3 and the power interfaces not being reliable- lights going on and off at random times. I'd see one of my four MH's on at 3am or something, then shut off 15 mins later. And this was on the DirectConnect module. Maybe I had EMF interference somewhere, but either way, I couldn't have my life support system be that unreliable.

It's possible it could have been fixed on the ACjr - I don't see why they'd re-engineer all that, though.

One of the big issues is the accessibility of the data on the system and the RK2 serial stream is a cinch to grab. Does anyone have any experience grabbing the raw data from the AC3/Jr?

I did some work on the ACPro, and it's pretty much just a simple data dump - nothing special at all. Same data available via serial or tcp/ip.
mojo;34196 wrote: I had a lot of problems with my AC3 and the power interfaces not being reliable- lights going on and off at random times. I'd see one of my four MH's on at 3am or something, then shut off 15 mins later. And this was on the DirectConnect module. Maybe I had EMF interference somewhere, but either way, I couldn't have my life support system be that unreliable.
Yeah, that kind of scenario would end up with me, a hammer, and an non-refundable pile of plastic.

I can't see a compelling reason for me to swap, unless someone wants to just give me the difference for an AC3.

Thanks for the info Chris.
I've been looking at these, and I figured I would hook it up to a PI data historian using their OPC data interfaces then have them displayed live on a sharepoint server from my house.

I can here my wife's voice now NERRRDDD.

The Aquacontrollers are much more flexible - but with flexibility comes complexity that some people don't want to mess with.

One option I don't see mentioned here is the Aquacontollers ability to simulate the cycle of the moon. Complete with the moon fading in and out and the lunar cycle. Very cool but oviously not required for everyone.

The Aquacontrollers can also raise and lower your tank temperature for the season to duplicate the seasonal temperature variations of the ocean. Again, very cool but oviously not required for everyone.

The RK can control 8 items, the AC jr 12 and the ACIII 24.

All 3 can log data to a PC through serial port.

The ACIII includes it's own web server that allows you to view status, manually control all aspects of your controller, and edit the control program from a standard web browser. It can send email alerts to any email address (think cell phone's SMS address) based on any configured trigger (temp too high or low, pH too low, etc).

The ACIII can be expanded to add Temp, pH, Orp ports and digital inputs. The additional pH ports can be monitoring another tanks or maybe the pH in your CA reactor. The digital inputs can be connected to things like flow sensors (to make sure pumps are running), float switches (for an automated, auto top-off or maybe an overflow alarm), water on floor sensors, humidity sensors, etc.

Can you tell I'm an Aquacontroller fan? :)