ro/di question


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Hey guys, my problem for the RO is that water is only coming out from the dirty side, nothing is coming from the clean side. Is there not enough pressure to squeeze the water out the clean side? Should I put a 1/4'' valve to restrict the outflow a bit? (kinda like the ebay ones)

I tried 2 different membranes on 2 different housing, still the same result.

Please help :)
Can you take a pic of how everything is hooked up??? Sounds like something is not hooked up right. Any chance the membrane is installed incorrectly???
Its my 4th RO unit and I'm pretty sure the plumbing is correct. It's a simple system with only 2 chambers, lol. When I apply pressure to the waste water tube, the clean water gets squeezed out. I think there isn't enough pressure on the waste water side.

I had a ebay unit that does the same thing, I had to adjust the waste water to get the proper amount of clean water.

What do you think?
Does you system have the flow restrictor on the output of the membrane?
It does not restrict the amount of waste water coming out. I think this lowers the pressure in the unit.
I wish you were closer I would give you one. You should be able to find them easy online. if yours is a 75 gpd then you will need a 550 restrictor.
I will try to find it online. If not then I will just use a 1/4'' valve to control the flow manually.

Thanks for the help

oh, and it's a 24gpd membrane
Heres some I found at Spectrapures website. Looks like for a 15-25 gpd system your looking at $4."></a>

Membrane Flow Restrictors for Line Pressure RO or RO/DI Systems

(lbs./kgs.) QTY
FR-25 15-25 $4 0.5 / 0.23
FR-40 40 $4 0.5 / 0.23
FR-60 60 $4 0.5 / 0.23
FR-90 90 $4 0.5 / 0.23
FR-100 100 (FOR ELIMINATOR SERIES) $4 0.5 / 0.23
FR-180 180 $4 0.5 / 0.23