Ro housing


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east cobb
So I’ve got myself a mixed up. In the picture which is in from the water supply which is good water out and bad water out

thanks in advanceA14FF186-3CB0-483C-93D3-DB7E3C068696.png
Sorry Larry, to many options available and not enough info to answer this question. Give us name/manufacture or link and someone might be able to track it down.
Generally the port in the center of the housing is the good water and the one offset to the outside of the housing is the waste.
Generally the port in the center of the housing is the good water and the one offset to the outside of the housing is the waste.
I think you may have that backwards. Water must travel through the membrane to be clean, so the offset output is the filtered water, and the centered output is waste.
I think you may have that backwards. Water must travel through the membrane to be clean, so the offset output is the filtered water, and the centered output is waste.
That's not the way the BRS units are setup or in the post Kenny posted above me. See the pic on the bottom of BRS instructions I linked.


  • 4-Stage-RODI-Instructions-2018.pdf
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