RO question


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Well, I got my RO unit used and I was looking at the specs online and it says it came with a ASO Valve but I can't locate it on the unit. I have it connected to a ATO on a 32g brute trash can and I am thinking of setting up another one as well to have 2. (one with fresh and one with saltwater at a constant 1.026) This good to do?

So, should i get a ASO valve or is it really necessary?

Here is a link to the unit...."></a>

Also thinking of adding an DI cartridge to the side, good idea or no?

Anything I should look in to getting. I am looking at getting a dual inline TDS meter (specific models I should look for? not to expensive but should be reliable)

Anything else I am forgetting?
di cartridge is a greeat idea The unit should have a aso vlave already installed if it is a pinnacle
Yup, I know there should be one but it must have been removed, I will go check again to be sure but I don't think it is there.
Ok, going to add a few more chambers also. got one clear and one not so I am getting 4 clear.
Intended Stages

5 micron -&gt; 1 micron -&gt; Carbon -&gt; RO -&gt; DI

These seem ok to everyone?
You will need to get one If you don't it will keep producing waste water even after the the product water is shut off unless you manually shut the supply off every time your done .
Found it.

I decided to have another look at the manual and it states that the ASO is located on the end of the RO membrane housing. duh
heck I may have a ton of stages by the time i am definite on what would be the best at getting me 0ppm output. but I am going to need a TDS meter to give me numbers first. this is the plan though. still developing stages i guess you would say
I'd not worry about adding additional prefilters right now. Run it for a few months with your feedwater and see how it does. If you have a heavy sediment load, two sediment filters might help out - a 5 micron in front of a 1 micron. If you have chloramines, or tend to forget about changing your carbon block, then you might want two carbon stages.

Bottmline - if you have reasonably good water, and you don't have chloramines or other high levels of VOC's, and you change your prefilters regularly, and you use good quality filters...

no need for more than 1 sediment filter nor more than one carbon block.
