RO System Question


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I have an older Kent HI S system. The system consists of a main bladder, sediment filter and a carbon filter. I purchased the system about 10 years ago. Until about a month ago I've had no issues with it and it registered .000 on my TDS meter. The problems began about 3 weeks ago when my tds meter began to read .003 going out. At that point I changed my carbon and sediment filters. After running about 20-30 gallons of water through the device the readings only lowered to .002 so I changed the main bladder as well and ran another 20-30 gallons through it. My TDS readings are still .050 plus going into the system and .002 going out and all of my filters are new. A moth ago I was reading .000 going out.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Tds meter may be bad. Is there any chance that saltwater is able to be siphoned back into the last rodi chamber? I have had this happen and my tds went through the roof and couldn't pinpoint it for weeks. Ruined the di bed.

You may need to clean the tds points on your meter.
Do you have a dual tds inline system? If so. Swap the probes with each other and see what that does
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I hope it's a simple fix. I know it is frustrating.

I also use vinegar for mine.