
seedless reefer

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I read an older post about what everyone did with their unused RO water and it raised some questions.

My best friend installed RO systems for years and in his house he had one under the sink. The whole unit was a little bigger than a shoe box.

He had the unit with a sink faucet for drinking or cooking and one attacjed to his reefer's icemaker (Made beautiful clear ice).

Inside the shoe box was a small reservoir and I can't remember if it had a line plumbed into the sink drain or not.

My question is this....if the RO makes X amount more than you can use and you let this drain into say a 200g plastic tank like you would see on a pressure washer rig how long would/could that water stay viable?

<span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: blue;">Loren W.</span></span>
I have a 6 stage RO/DI system hooked up to a 250GAL tank (same as the pressure washing rigs) in my basement and the I test the water every so often with a TDS meter. As long as the unit is sealed there should be no problem storing the water over a long period of time. I use it daily for water TO and for my weekly water changes. with no issues! It will also come in handy if the water system ever gets polluted!
Yeah guess I'm wondering if the water excess water would go stale/stagnant.

<span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: blue;">Loren W.</span></span>
I think keeping it sealed is the key. If too much open air is in contact with it, I suspect it will foul a lot faster. i.e. botted water that you leave open outside or one with cap on it. the one with the cap will last a lot longer.
yea u will have to plump the excess water into a sealed resovuar and keep it sealed.
Remember that the water you are storing is chlorine free. Closed or not, about once per year the container (and your RODI system) should be sanitized.

Russ @ BFS
Buckeye Field Supply;61506 wrote: Remember that the water you are storing is chlorine free. Closed or not, about once per year the container (and your RODI system) should be sanitized.

Russ @ BFS

How exactly is this done? Empty everything and flush? Chemicals?

And do you sanitize a new/used unit before installing it?

Here are instructions for sanitizing a system without a pressurized storage tank:

We recommend sanitizing your RO/DI system approximately once per year. Schedule this process at a time when you are planning to replace your cartridges. These instructions apply to water purification systems without a pressure tank. Before you begin assure that you have about an hour available, and that your work area and hands are clean.

Turn off the water supply to the system.

Remove all housings and remove all pre-filters and post-filters from the system including sediment filters, carbon filters, in-line filters, and deionization cartridges. Remove the reverse osmosis membrane(s).

Wash housings with a soft brush or cloth in warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap. Don&#8217;t forget to carefully remove and wash all o-rings. Lubricate the o-rings with a small amount of silicone grease and reinstall them.

Fill each vertical housing with one cup of potable water and three to four tablespoons of household bleach, and with this sanitizing liquid still in the housings, screw them back on to the system.

Turn on the water supply a bit, allow water to fill the entire system, and assure water is flowing out of the waste line and the purified water line. Place the outlet of the drain tube and purified water tube slightly higher than the system to assure these tubes are full of the sanitizing solution. When the sanitizing solution has reached the outlet of each tube, and with the outlet of each tube placed above the rest of the system, shut off the water supply for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, turn the water supply on and assure that water exits the system from both the drain tube and the purified water port. Flush the sanitizing solution from the system for 5 to 10 minutes.

Turn off the water supply and install new filters.

We recommend keeping a maintenance record for your system. Record the date of the sanitizing and filter replacement.
If you have a pressure tank:

We recommend sanitizing your RO/DI system approximately once per year. Schedule this process at a time when you are planning to replace your cartridges. These instructions apply to water purification systems with a pressure tank. Before you begin assure that you have about an hour available, and that your work area and hands are clean.

Fill a clean container large enough to hold an RO membrane with RO or DI water. Turn off the water supply to the system. Open your faucet and allow the pressure tank to drain completely.

Remove all housings, and remove pre-filters and post-filters from the system including sediment filters, carbon filters, in-line filters, and deionization cartridges. Remove the reverse osmosis membrane(s) and place it in RO or DI water.

Wash housings with a soft brush or cloth in warm soapy water. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap. Don&#8217;t forget to carefully remove and wash all o-rings. Lubricate the o-rings with a small amount of silicone grease and reinstall them.

Fill each vertical housing approximately 1/3 full with potable (tap) water and three to four tablespoons of household bleach. With this sanitizing liquid still in the housings, screw the housings back on to the system. Replace the cap to the RO membrane housing.

Turn on the water supply a bit &#8211; less than ½ normal operating pressure/flow, allow water to fill the entire system, and assure water is flowing out of the waste line and the purified water line. Close the valve at the DI water output. Place a valve at the end of the waste tube and close the valve. Place the outlet of the drain tube and DI water purified water tube slightly higher than the system to assure these tubes are full of the sanitizing solution. Allow the sanitizing solution to fill the pressure tank with the faucet closed. When the tank is full, open the faucet and allow air and less than ½ cup of sanitizing solution to flow from the faucet. Close the faucet. Shut off the water supply for 30 minutes.

Turn the water supply off, remove each vertical housing and dump the sanitizing solution discard the sanitizing solution. Reinstall the empty vertical housings. Open the faucet and allow the tank to drain completely. Close the faucet. Turn on the water supply and allow the tank to fill. Turn off the water supply, open the faucet, and drain the tank. Repeat the tank filling and draining 3 or 4 times to completely flush the sanitizing solution from the tank.

Next, close the tank valve, and turn the water on and allow water to drain from the waste tube and the DI water tube for 5 to 10 minutes.

After all sanitizing solution has been flushed from the system, remove the vertical housings, install new filters, and reinstall your RO membrane.

We recommend keeping a maintenance record for your system. Record the date of the sanitizing and filter replacement.
hey buckeye i just wanted to compliment you on how you are always helping on your posts the times i see you post usually i see that you take a great deal of time explaining to newbies like me and others if i could give you rep i would but i cant because i am not a mem. which i plan but scince i am moving i might not get it i am not sure.