Rock Crabs grow fast!


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This "not so little now" guy came up from Florida inside an old shell I picked up on the beach that had some live barnacles. That was in Sept and now he is the terror of my sump on my 55gal. I think Grendel, my 18" bristleworm, might have met his fate if he went up against this guy. I feed him a nice juicy shrimp every other day and he is one of the most aggressive crabs I have ever seen. Trying to figure out a name for him....thinking maybe Atila!!! Crab.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG] Crab1.JPG" alt="" />
Looks like what they serve as Stone Crabs in FL. If so, I don't doubt that it grows fast since the fishing technique is to rip one claw off and toss the crab back to grow another one.

How's that for a suck life cycle?
that thing looks like when it would get pissed it would slam his claws on the ground. What a brute!
Too bad I don't have several....we could have a ARC Crab fest! But honestly, this guy is a blast to watch. Glad I caught and moved him out of my reef before he was too big. Should be interesting to see how big he will get!
George wrote: Looks like what they serve as Stone Crabs in FL. If so, I don't doubt that it grows fast since the fishing technique is to rip one claw off and toss the crab back to grow another one.

How's that for a suck life cycle?

Yeah, it does look like a stone crab. If that's the case, you're gonna need a bigger sump!
It's a 20GAL sump, the center section is about 13GAL. Hopefully that will be enough, if not it might be time for a big invert tank!:eek:
I've got the same guy in my sump. He's about 3" across and he is a badass. In the other sections Ive got Cameron's Vader Crab and another rock crab from a friends tank. Im going to take them up to my shop and keep them as pets for some reason that Im not to sure of yet.
So I was starring into my 120g watching it cycle and out comes a massive crab! It looks identical to the one pictured here except it is much darker overall and has blood red eyes. He/she is about the size of a golf ball and like everyone has mentioned, looks like a complete bad ***. There are only a handful of small hermit crabs, a bristle star, and a fairly large snail in the tank but any of them look like easy prey to this monster. I put some food outside his hole to intice him out but didn't think to get a camera.

What is the best way to catch this crab?

Hes actually a little stockier than the one pictured above and he looked a little furry to me. My girlfriend didn't notice the furry-ness but I thought I did.
Got some pictures...

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