Rock Flower Anemone


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Newnan, GA
So I got a rock flower anemone yesterday and it appeared settled and happy. This morning I get up and it looks like this . It is toast or what?
Parameters are in check . The only thing different from yesterday is the lighting has gone up.
Has it moved at all? Usually a healthy one will move around (a few inches) when introduced into a new tank and I take that as a sign of health. It doesn't look terrific, have you tired feeding it a little? It probably won't keep it but I'm curious if it's responsive at all.
those things are generally pretty hardy. You sure your salinity / ph / NO3 / PO4 are all in check?
It was on the rock above it and it dropped to the sand bed. It is looking a bit better now. This is actually the first anemone I have ever owned. I typically stay away from them but really wanted to try one of these as they say they are very hardy and so colorful.
That’s was right when I cam downs first thing this morning . I did feed it last night , now it’s looks better and seems to have pooped.

Certainly looks better than the original picture. I'd give it a day or two before trying to feed it again. It's my understanding that they will sometimes take in too much food and end up expelling it. Opinions on feeding them are all over the place but I feed my tank brine or mysis once a weeks and always make sure the rock flower gets a bit. Seems to do fine with it.
Something I did not even think of was I have a Peppermint shrimp in the tank and it could be messing with the anemone. Was doing some reading and they are a issue it seems .
Wow. That stinks because I have hydroids in my tank and wen they start being and eyesore, I add a peppermint shrimp to knock them back. It makes sense that they would screw with them but in my opinion peppermint's are an extremely valuable eliminator of pests.
Wow. That stinks because I have hydroids in my tank and wen they start being and eyesore, I add a peppermint shrimp to knock them back. It makes sense that they would screw with them but in my opinion peppermint's are an extremely valuable eliminator of pests.

I agree, I'm not 100% sure its messing with it but everything I read says they will and if its between a $60 anemone and $8 shrimp, well I'll feed the shrimp to the anemone.
I agree, I'm not 100% sure its messing with it but everything I read says they will and if its between a $60 anemone and $8 shrimp, well I'll feed the shrimp to the anemone.
LOL, the cheap things will always win against the expensive things.

Your thank is still really new so keep any eye on it. If it starts looking worse you might want to bring it back or re-home it for a few months.
The general consensus I see online is not to introduce nems for at least six months.
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LOL, the cheap things will always win against the expensive things.

You're thank is still really new so keep any eye on it. If it starts looking worse you might want to bring it back or re-home it for a few months.
The general consensus I see online is not to introduce nems for at least six months.

Isn't that so true. Ill have to hunt someone to re-home it, its the LFS policy not to take back anything.
I had heard that about nems also but figured the rock nem was hardier . I'm just coming up on almost 4 mo mark
Here are my totally unscientific thoughts based solely on my own personal and limited experience:

1. Provided you are properly maintaining your parameters (think the lawyers make us say that), at 4 months, you are probably “ok” with the rock nem - no need to rehome JUST because of that. I added one even a bit earlier than that and he is still fat & happy seven months later.

2. I have quite a few peppermints and I have never seen one come anywhere near the rock nem. I’ve frequently caught them irritating coral, especially at feeding time, but they stay pretty clear of the nem.

3. I feed my nem whenever I feed frozen to the rest of the tank. He gobbles up the piece I give him then kinda looks like grandpa after Thanksgiving dinner for a while.

4. Every once in a while he kinda does this weird gyration thing where he puffs himself up and waves in the current. Then just about the time I start thinking something is really wrong and I need to worry, he plops himself back down.

That’s been MY experience with MY rock nem. Totally unscientific and not to be confused with REAL advice from those with actual years of experience and knowledge.

Don’t know if that helped at all. But as a mom, it always makes me feel a bit better when I hear that someone else’s kid is also doing something weird, worrying or annoying and that maybe I don’t need to panic.
That does help. LOL Parameters were in check the day I got him. Plan on testing again today .
It seems fine and then it doesn't. Its new to the tank and I'm sure still trying to find a place it likes. I have not feed it yet as every time I want it is doing one if its weird shape changes. I was up late last night peaking in the the tank and did not see the peppermint messing with it so that is kinda off my list.
Peppermints will raid nems and lps when hungry. I had one literally drill a hole through my nems looking for food when there wasn't any in there. They were little donut shaped nems :(
Is that green a hammer above it. If it fell and landed or brushed up on that hammer it would have stung it for sure.
If it did and got injured, maybe it was sloughing off dead mucus?
It looks much better.