Rockflower anemones mating?


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Powder Springs
I am a Rock flower nut! I've have lost a few BEAUTIFUL PRICEY small ones, most likely from me vacuuming them up, who knows!
When I got this guy I had it on a smaller rock on top of this big long rock with the big one. It has moved over the course of the week to attach itself to the same hole as the big guys foot. Do you think I might get babies? Anyone ever had any luck with this?

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If they are to breed it's by releasing gametes into the water. I don't know of anyone who has ad anemones sexually reproduce in captivity (I could be wrong, I just have not read/heard of it happening.)

They can also reproduce by fission but usually it's only E. quadricolor (Bubble Tip) that do that in captivity.

I think what Jenn said is most likely the right answer. I have a couple Red ones and they are never near each other and then one day I suddenly had 5 or 6 little baby flower nems pop up all over and not just red in color either.
Those are Really beautiful anemones! I started reading about it and they say you need a male and female and as Jenn says they release the Gametes and the male fertilizes them. At least that's all the info i was able to find. Pretty cool if you ask me. :)
Agree, hoping that's what I've got as I've got no idea how to tell!
I'll post if they do :)

I'm going to post to growth of my Sun Coral babies that spawned. Some are a nice size now!
Kinda late but here's a good article on rock flower nems reproducing.