Rose Bubble Split


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My rose bubble tip recently split and I'm wondering how I can get the baby to dislodge from the rock where it attached without hurting it. Any help would be appreciated. I know they sometimes wander about the tank once the split is made but this one didn't It took up a space a few inches under where the original one has been lodged since I got it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Wow that makes me a grandpa. Is that rbta the one I sold you?

Congrats btw!

Michael, gimme a ring and I can tell you how to remove them easily.
best way to remove an anemone from a rock, take it out of the tank if you can with the rock, if not get it to a place where you can work with it easily. Get a ziplock bag and fill it with ice, and hold it on the base of the anemone....after a lil bit the anemone will start to move, then you can carefully use your finger nail or a credit card and finish the job taking the foot off the rock...dont rush this!
If you can get the rock that it is on out of the tank, simply suspend the rock over a container of water with the annenome towards the bottom of the rock, gravity will pull it off naturally and the annenome will fall into the container of water. It takes only a fw minutes.

Yes this is the rose you sold me. He's done well despite my tank getting to hot from time to time. I'll give you a ring later this evening. I'm going out to Marine Fish to see about a chiller. And thanks for the help from you and everyone else.
