Rough day


Contest Committee Lead
Contest Committee
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Under the sea
Ultra amount of stress at work.
House flooded last christmas.
Mitigated it ourselves.
Contractor tried to screw us out of $40k.

Now, Doing the repairs ourselves.
Time crunch for family and friends visiting.

This morning:
*Return pump on my big reef stopped working. Troubleshooting didnt yield results. My 2 backups are destroyed from the christmas flooding... Meanwhile, popped in a heater and air pump.
*Then i left for a quick work stop... i need my laptop charger.
*Suddenly, both power and internet went out.
*i turned around to go home.
*power comes back but no internet all day.
*My small tank wasnt prepared for this, and the sump overflowed. Seeping water under/into the bamboo floor and into the finished basement below that we are currently repairing for the upcoming family visits.
*The leaking water shorted the lights in the basement... so ive been mitigating in the dark.
*Hired ServPro, and they got their fans and dehumidifiers here now.
*Filed an insurance claim... should be a few days to hear back from them.

*swung by home depot to buy some parts, and rigged up my undersized return pump on the big tank. This will have to work until the new pump arrives.
*Wifi is back on!
*Temp is up to 74.6 degrees (the lowest was 71.0!)

Theres a lot more i didnt mention... but darn its a lot. Just wanted to vent a bit.

Since wifi is back, i will now check our insurance policy, and work some more.
Thanks guys!

Things are mostly straightened out. Mitigation team will give us results on Monday. Hopefully, we wont have to rip up the floor and subfloors. And the insurance will respond soon too.

Meanwhile, I'm focusing on the other renovations, 1 step at a time.

I lost 1 acro. @dball711 I may need to come to you for another. I think it was a flaming unicorn acro later (you mentioned it was one of your favorites a couple years ago).